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Jim Jordan exposes incriminating internal emails in ‘Facebook Files’

Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell Revelation: ‘Facebook Files’ Expose White House Interference

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. ‍Jim Jordan set social media abuzz ‍on Thursday as he‍ dropped ⁣a ⁢bombshell revelation, releasing internal Meta documents that he claims provide⁤ damning evidence⁤ of​ the White House’s alleged interference in censoring posts‌ on Facebook and Instagram.

According ⁢to a report from The Daily ​Wire, the move came after the Ohio Republican threatened to hold Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg in contempt of Congress, a standoff that seemed to have ​prompted the disclosure of what⁣ Jordan dubbed as “The Facebook Files.”

In⁣ a series of posts that quickly gained traction on Twitter, which this week was re-branded under the name “X,” Jordan detailed ‍the ⁣contents‌ of the released documents, which he believes expose the Biden ⁢administration’s⁣ efforts to pressure social media giants into cracking down ⁣on content deemed⁢ to be “misinformation.”

With‍ a nod to “The Twitter Files,” which also ‌ revealed bias in ⁢social media, Jordan presented screen shots of some of the⁢ documents that⁣ he deemed as ‍“smoking-gun” proof.

The ⁢crux of Jordan’s argument revolves around alleged undue pressure⁤ exerted by the White House on ⁤Facebook and Instagram during ⁢the first half of 2021.

According to the ‍documents, the Biden⁢ administration is said⁣ to have pressed the‌ tech giants both publicly and privately to remove⁢ specific posts and modify their content moderation policies.

A crucial piece of evidence, as Jordan⁢ pointed out, was an email in April 2021, where ‌a Facebook employee raised concerns over external pressure, including that from the‍ Biden White House, to remove posts, ⁤the Daily Wire reported.

In another email, Nick Clegg, ⁤Facebook’s president for global ‌affairs,⁢ reportedly informed his team about a senior Biden adviser, Andy Slavitt, expressing outrage⁢ over a particular post that hadn’t been taken down.

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In another revelation ⁢from Jordan’s thread, Facebook was allegedly influenced to ​censor a meme related to⁣ COVID vaccines ⁤at ‍the‌ behest ‌of the White House. Despite Facebook’s internal discussions‌ about potential violations of free expression and‍ First Amendment rights, the alleged pressure from the administration seemed‍ to have spurred ⁢the platform into action.

Jordan didn’t stop there, citing more instances⁤ of what he deemed as⁤ undue White House interference. He brought up another situation in which Facebook had been asked why they hadn’t⁢ censored a video from journalist ⁤Tucker Carlson. In an effort to ⁤appease the Biden White House, ⁣Facebook reportedly prepared talking points to address the issue, even though the post didn’t violate any policies.

Public‍ pressure from President Biden also played a⁤ role, with the commander-in-chief publicly criticizing Facebook and other social media platforms, accusing them of “killing people” by allegedly not‌ doing enough to‌ tackle “misinformation.”

The documents’ ⁢release has drawn sharp reactions from both sides of the political spectrum, with many calling for ‍a thorough investigation into potential government overreach and ⁢its impact on freedom of expression.

While Meta, the parent company of⁢ Facebook and‌ Instagram, has yet to issue an ​official statement in​ response to Jordan’s thread,⁢ Twitter⁢ / ⁢X owner ​Elon Musk‍ weighed in,​ expressing deep concern over the revelations.

“These documents, AND OTHERS that were just produced to the Committee, prove that the Biden ⁢Admin ​abused its powers to‌ coerce Facebook⁢ into censoring Americans, preventing free and open discourse on ⁤issues of ⁢critical ​public importance,” ​Jordan wrote, according to Fox News.

He⁣ continued, “Only after the Committee announced its intention​ to hold Mark Zuckerberg in contempt⁤ did​ Facebook produce ANY internal documents to the Committee, including these documents, ⁣which PROVE⁤ that​ government ​pressure was directly responsible for⁢ censorship on Facebook.”

Jordan explained that, in light of Facebook’s “newfound commitment ​to ⁣fully cooperate” with⁣ the investigation, the committee is setting aside its pursuit of a⁢ contempt charge, “for now.”

“To be clear,” he⁢ added, “contempt is⁤ still on ‍the table and WILL be used if ‌Facebook fails to cooperate⁤ in FULL.”

He signed off with a hint of ​more details to come, saying, “To be continued…”

Fox reported that there was no response from Facebook or ​the White House to requests for ⁣comment.

The post ‘SMOKING GUN’: Jim Jordan Releases⁤ ‘Facebook Files’ Revealing​ Damning Internal⁣ Emails appeared⁢ first on The Western Journal.

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