Conservative News Daily

Democrat’s Embarrassing Thirst Strike Duration Exposed

Twitter Users Roast Democrat for Length of “Thirst Strike”

Twitter users are roasting a progressive ⁢Democrat for ⁣the length of ⁣his “thirst strike.”

On Tuesday,‍ Rep. Greg Casar, a congressman from Texas, ⁣went on a “thirst strike”‍ at‍ the Capitol, as a way to push for federal heat safety regulations. His‌ strike lasted a little over eight hours.

Proud of ⁢his accomplishment,‌ Casar retweeted a post from journalist Bryan Metzger, announcing​ the news that the congressman was ending his strike ​after eight hours.

The congressman may have thought that this was impressive, but Twitter users were not ‌so impressed.

Casar quickly found himself the subject of jokes on Twitter, as many people mocked him⁤ for abstaining from water for merely eight hours, something almost⁢ everyone can do.

One Twitter user pointed out that​ this was merely another example of a politician looking for attention, writing “Only a ‍politician would expect praise and a press conference for doing what the rest of us do every day.”

It’s ‍not entirely clear what Casar was hoping to accomplish ⁤with this gesture, or ⁣what exactly he ⁤was thinking the​ reaction to be. Eight hours is not much time to go without water, almost everyone ⁣has done that at some point in their lives.

Granted, if you are doing strenuous manual labor in the hot summer sun of a⁢ place‍ like Texas or Arizona, you probably cannot go eight hours without water, you really should be drinking frequently.

Was this⁢ nothing but a publicity stunt?

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But Casar is not doing manual labor‌ in the hot ⁣sun, he ‌is in Washington, D.C.⁣ in the air-conditioned rooms of the Capitol. ‌Provided that he drank enough water beforehand, this really should not have been a challenge for⁢ him.

There are people who go days or even a week without eating on a hunger strike. Casar’s​ thirst strike is really nothing notable.

Frankly,⁤ all he did was prove that we ⁤do not need to take water breaks during our work day. He went almost the entire workday without ⁣water, and he appeared to be just fine.

This is just a fruitless⁣ and very confusing political stunt.

The post Democrat‌ Embarasses Himself After People Find⁣ Out How Long His Thirst Strike Lasted appeared ​first on The Western Journal.

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