Washington Examiner

House passes military spending bill despite conservative threats.

The House ‍Advances Military Construction Appropriations Bill‌ Despite Conservative Threats

The House managed to advance the rule on its ⁤annual military construction appropriations⁣ bill on​ Wednesday despite initial⁤ threats from hard-line conservatives to tank the legislation unless it met their ⁢list of demands.

The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies⁣ Appropriations‍ Act narrowly ​passed the House with ⁢a 217-206 ‍vote, ​advancing largely ​along party lines to ⁣be considered on the floor for a full vote ⁢later‌ in the evening. Despite traditionally receiving bipartisan support, the legislation advanced with no Democratic ⁣support due⁢ to a slew of controversial ⁤amendments proposed by GOP members.‍ Only two Republicans ⁤voted against the measure: ‌Reps. Victoria Spartz ‌(R-IN) and John Rose (R-TN).

Challenges and Demands

The military appropriations bill typically passes without much⁢ drama or fervor, making it one of ⁣the easiest spending ​bills to pass out of Congress each year. However, ⁣that⁤ process was nearly uprooted earlier ​this⁣ week after members of the ‌House Freedom Caucus threatened to withhold ‍their support ‌for the must-pass legislation unless GOP leadership made some⁢ crucial changes.

One of the top demands included a push to slash spending to fiscal 2022 levels, which would amount to roughly ⁣$115 billion.

“We want the ‘22 levels, and we want no rescissions,” Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), told reporters on ⁤Tuesday. “No smoke ⁢and mirrors for⁤ the American people.⁤ We want a budget that trims the fat, ⁣goes to programs that will defend and protect this country.”

In⁤ response to those demands, GOP leaders vowed a “robust amendment process” in order to get the legislation through the House before ⁣lawmakers ⁤adjourn for recess at the end of​ the week. The House Rules Committee approved 40 ⁢amendments to be ⁢considered as part‌ of​ that deal, which lawmakers will debate later in the afternoon.

Several of those amendments, however, are responsible‍ for the ‌lack of Democratic⁣ support on the bill as ‌they specifically seek to target what Republicans consider to be culture war⁣ issues.

Next⁢ Steps and​ Potential‍ Challenges

The House is scheduled to reconvene and vote on the full legislation later in the evening. If passed, the‍ bill will⁣ then head to the Senate, where it’s sure ⁣to ⁤be met with some opposition from Democrats.

Congress ⁤has until the end of September to pass its ‌annual ‍budget before the new fiscal year begins ⁢on Oct.⁣ 1, ‌or ⁤else lawmakers risk a government shutdown. Budget⁤ disagreements typically⁤ drag out as both parties fight to include their own priorities, with a final⁣ deal often not made until the‌ eleventh​ hour after a marathon ‌voting session.

However,‌ that process has been‌ made ⁢even more complicated⁣ this⁢ year. Some Freedom Caucus members are ⁤already signaling opposition ⁣to the spending levels ‍agreed⁤ to ‌in the debt‌ limit deal ⁢and threatening ​to vote against budget legislation unless spending levels are cut. Those sentiments​ are likely to put ‌the House on a collision course with Senate Democrats, who​ are likely drafting budgets with ​a ‍much larger number.

One source familiar⁤ said that there isn’t much consensus⁣ among ⁣the Freedom Caucus ‌as to what ⁣their concerns and disagreements⁤ with the appropriations ​process ‌actually are.


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