Eli Lilly donates $500K for scholarships aiding undocumented students in Indiana.

Eli Lilly Supports College Scholarships for Indiana’s Immigrant Population

Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical company based in Indianapolis, Indiana, recently made a generous contribution of $500,000 to four organizations that provide college scholarships to undocumented immigrants in the state. The recipients of these scholarships are individuals⁣ covered by the Deferred ‌Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The⁢ motive behind this donation, as ⁢stated by Eli Lilly, is to eliminate barriers and promote equal access to⁢ affordable post-high school education for Indiana’s growing immigrant population. The company⁢ firmly supports the rights of immigrants and advocates for sensible immigration reforms that foster a diverse and skilled workforce.

Empowering Immigrant⁤ Youth and Advocating for Change

One of the organizations benefiting from Eli Lilly’s funding‍ is the Indiana Undocumented Youth⁢ Alliance. Their mission is to ⁢empower young immigrants, enabling them to pursue⁤ higher education and actively engage in⁢ the community to advocate for fair and compassionate ​policies that​ impact undocumented families.

The Indiana Undocumented⁤ Youth Alliance offers scholarships exclusively to undocumented students, regardless of their DACA or Temporary Protected Status.​ Undocumented status is a prerequisite for ⁢receiving⁣ these scholarships, as stated on their website.

Furthermore, the organization strives ⁢to influence public⁤ policy ⁣at the local, state, and federal levels, aiming to bring⁢ about significant improvements in the ​status of undocumented individuals.

Advancing Latino Education and Workforce Preparedness

Eli Lilly also extended financial support ‍to the Indiana Latino Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to⁣ advancing Latino educational attainment and workforce preparedness throughout the state. Through ⁣advocacy, leadership development, and culturally responsive ⁣programming, the institute serves as a catalyst for positive change.

The Indiana Latino Institute acts as​ a convener of Latino networks and organizations statewide, positioning itself as a leader in policy discussions ⁣that⁤ impact ⁤Latino communities in Indiana.

Additionally, ⁤the institute offers a ‍scholarship program that prioritizes Latino students ⁤residing in Indiana, particularly those who are first-generation college students. However, legal status is not a requirement for receiving these scholarships.

Supporting Latino Education and Cultural Values

The Society and Friends of⁢ Colombia, an organization focused on Latino⁣ education advancement, youth enrichment, health resource partnerships, and the promotion of Latino cultural values in Indiana, also received financial support from Eli⁤ Lilly.

Another grant recipient listed by Eli Lilly is La Plaza, a nonprofit organization that contributes to the well-being of the⁢ Latino community.

Despite multiple attempts to reach out to Eli Lilly for comment, ⁣the ⁣company did not respond.

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