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ESPN analyst collapses on live broadcast, causing panic.

ESPN Analyst Collapses On-Air, Sends⁤ Live Broadcast Into Panic

One of the absolute joys‌ and ⁣advantages of viewing live television‍ programming ‍is​ the ‍unshakable sense that anything could happen next. But that’s also the double-edged sword of live programming. Anything — even the abjectly horrifying — can take place.

Much to the terror of ESPN, ⁢the company was reminded of​ the potential ​pitfalls of live programming in real time on Sunday.

Before a friendly ‍tilt between AC​ Milan and Real‍ Madrid at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, the network⁤ ran some perfunctory pregame coverage.

Retired soccer star​ and current ESPN analyst Shaka Hislop joined co-host ⁤Dan Thomas to​ discuss the forthcoming ​game when things took a decidedly startling turn.

As the two co-hosts were kicking ⁤around some pre-game banter,⁢ Hislop took a ⁤stumbling step backward‌ before falling⁤ forward into Thomas.

A visibly panicked Thomas immediately called for “Shak!” and then asked⁣ for medical assistance.

You ​can watch the clip below for yourself:

“As‍ it stands,‍ it’s good news. ‍He’s conscious, he’s talking. I think he’s a little embarrassed about it all. ​He’s apologized profusely. ​Not ⁤a man who likes people to​ make a⁢ fuss of him,” Thomas said during the broadcast.​ “Obviously, ⁤far too early to make any sort of ⁣diagnosis.

“But the important thing is that Shaka’s conscious ⁤and we⁢ spoke to his family as well because you can‍ imagine seeing⁣ that happen live, there can’t be many more things‍ that could scare you ⁢amongst the‍ family. ⁢But fortunately, we spoke ⁣to his wife and ‍things are ‌looking OK.”

One wrinkle that arose ‌from Hislop’s shocking collapse is that internet sleuths‌ quickly latched ‌onto the retired soccer ⁢star’s​ pro-COVID-19 vaccination ‍stances.

Here’s a video clip of‍ Hislop⁤ urging people to get vaccinated back in‍ August 2021:

There is no evidence that Hislop’s vaccination status had anything to do with Sunday’s collapse. But that hasn’t stopped vaccine critics from speculating about ‌it.

Late ‍Sunday, ‌ ESPN described Hislop’s current ‌status as “conscious and recovering.” He joined the network ⁢in 2008 and has been a regular contributor ‍since.

Do you watch ESPN?

The post ESPN Analyst Collapses On-Air, Sends‍ Live Broadcast Into Panic appeared ​first ‌on The Western Journal.

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