Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley doubts Trump’s chances in general election.

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley questions Trump’s chances in a‍ general election

During an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki ‌Haley expressed her support​ for former President Donald Trump ​if he becomes the 2024 GOP nominee. However, she also ‌voiced doubts about his ability to win ‍a general election.

“If he gets the nomination, I would support him because I am not going to have a President Kamala Harris,” Haley stated.‌ “We can’t afford ⁣that. That is not going to happen.”

Concerns over Trump’s legal problems

Haley pointed⁤ out Trump’s⁢ pending legal issues ‌as a major obstacle to his success in a general election rematch against President Joe ⁢Biden. These include potential indictments related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot investigation, mishandling of classified documents, a hush money payment ⁢scheme to Stormy⁢ Daniels, and a Georgia investigation into election interference.

“You look at these indictments, ⁢there’s ‌probably going to be a⁢ fourth indictment,” Haley explained. “We can’t have him​ as the nominee. He‌ can’t win a general ‍election. That’s the problem.”

Despite Haley’s concerns, Trump currently leads the Republican 2024 race in national polls, with a RealClearPolitics⁢ average showing him at ⁣51% among GOP primary voters, while Haley trails ‍at 3.4%.

Haley also dismissed questions⁤ about the expanding 2024 GOP field, emphasizing that it is still early⁣ in the race and more time is needed for the dynamics​ to change.

“This is a marathon, it’s not a sprint. We’re just getting started. This will really start ⁢to shake up post-Labor Day,” she stated. “Look back at 2016. ​In July⁢ of 2015, [Sen. Ted] Cruz had 4% going to Iowa caucuses. In November⁤ he had 10%. In January he⁤ won it outright.”

Although Cruz won the 2016 Iowa caucuses, he eventually dropped out, and Trump went on to become the GOP’s nominee.

Haley‌ reiterated her campaign theme of promoting new Republican leaders and leaving behind negativity.

“I have said‌ it very clearly, that we need ‍a new⁤ generational leader. We’ve got to leave this negativity behind,” she ⁤emphasized.

For more information, click here to read the full article from The Washington Examiner.

Read More From Original Article Here: Nikki Haley says Trump can't win in general election

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