Washington Examiner

‘Try That In A Small Town’ tops music charts after song is censored

The Controversial Song Making Waves

The song “Try That In a Small ⁤Town” has been causing quite a stir⁢ lately.⁣ After ⁢being pulled by ⁤Country‌ Music Television (CMT),‌ it has skyrocketed to the top of ‍several music charts, thanks⁢ to the online reactions it has sparked.

Although the song was released a few months ago in May, CMT’s​ decision to ⁣remove it from their network has given it a significant boost ‍in attention. It reached the⁤ coveted No. 1 spot on iTunes this‍ Tuesday and continues to hold strong. Currently, it sits at No. 15 on iTunes’s ⁤Top 100⁣ in⁤ the United States‌ and‍ No. 31 on the global Top 100.

Surging ⁣in ⁢Popularity

But that’s not all. ⁢”Try ⁢That In⁤ a Small Town” has also climbed its way into ⁢the Top 10 ‍songs on Amazon’s “Hot ⁣New Releases” list, currently ranking at No. 9. On YouTube,‌ where‌ the song’s music video was‍ uploaded last Friday, it has already reached an impressive No. 2 position.

The artist behind this controversial ​song,⁢ Jason ⁤Aldean, has staunchly defended it ⁤after⁢ CMT​ pulled it from‌ their rotation. Aldean,⁢ a conservative, openly acknowledges his political ⁢views but emphasizes that his ⁤song is about ‍longing for a time when ‍headlines didn’t keep us up at night.

“Try That In A Small ⁣Town, for me, evokes the‌ sense of community​ I experienced while growing up. It’s about taking care of our ​neighbors, regardless of our differences in‌ background or belief,” Aldean shared⁢ on social media. ‌”Because,​ at ⁣the end of the day, they were our neighbors, and that mattered more​ than anything else.”

A⁤ Controversial Music Video

The ⁢music video for the song‌ features provocative footage, including ‌a U.S. flag burning, someone holding⁣ a ​Molotov cocktail, ‍and individuals breaking into jewelry‌ displays.‌ CMT made the decision to pull the clip on Monday, according to reports.

“Cuss⁢ out a cop, spit in his face/Stomp on⁢ the flag and light it up/Yeah, ya ‌think you’re tough/Well, try ​that ⁢in a small town/See how far ya make it down the road,” the song’s lyrics boldly proclaim.

Aldean has ‌garnered support from prominent conservatives, including Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD), 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, and⁢ Donald⁢ Trump ⁣Jr., in ‌response to⁤ CMT’s removal ‌of his song.


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