the federalist

Obamas, Clintons didn’t have porn in kids’ libraries, but they support it for your child.

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In⁢ the latest⁤ example ⁣of “rules for ⁣thee but not⁢ for ⁤me,”⁣ our‌ political aristocrats are now throwing their weight around in ⁣the‍ phony “banned⁤ books”⁢ battle​ of⁤ the ​culture‍ war.⁣ In this ​particular ⁢battle, ‍leftists smear conservatives ‍or even just⁤ apolitical parents⁤ as⁣ fascist ‌book burners ​for‍ asking⁢ schools and libraries not⁤ to‌ push books depicting ⁢pornography,​ oral sex, rape, or ‍gender​ dysphoria.

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A⁢ memo must⁤ have made its way‌ to⁢ the‍ top ⁢this ⁣week, as both President​ Barack‌ Obama and ⁤Chelsea Clinton both tweeted‌ Monday about books ⁤“being challenged‍ by ⁤people who‍ disagree⁣ with ⁣certain⁤ ideas or ⁢perspectives.” This all comes​ just a month ⁣after ‍President​ Joe‌ Biden ‍announced he ⁢would be appointing‌ a ‌“banned-book”​ czar, whose job ⁢is to ​push‍ trans-obsessed‌ young⁤ adult⁣ novels and ⁢race-obsessed pseudohistories⁣ on local ⁣libraries.

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Books allow⁢ our ‍children access to⁣ critical information that helps them understand ‌themselves and the⁣ world​ around ⁤them. ⁢We have‍ seen ⁢a record ⁤number of book⁣ bans, ‌with 2,571 unique book titles being‌ targeted⁤ in‌ 2022. ​Please ⁣join me ‌in⁢ standing up ⁣against these ⁤bans ⁢by‌ visiting…

‌ ‍ ​ ‍ ​ ⁣ — ​Chelsea ⁣Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) July 18, ⁤2023
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Today,⁢ some of ​the ⁢books ‍that ⁢shaped ⁢my ‌life—and‌ the ‍lives⁤ of⁢ so⁤ many ⁣others—are ⁢being challenged‌ by people who‌ disagree⁣ with certain ⁢ideas ⁤or ‍perspectives. And​ librarians ⁢are on ​the ​front lines,⁢ fighting⁣ every day ​to⁢ make the​ widest ⁢possible ‍range of viewpoints,⁤ opinions, ⁢and…

‌ ⁢ ​ ​ ⁢​ ​ ​— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) ‌July ⁣17, 2023
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The “Unite ​Against Book Book Bans” website that ​Clinton ‌and Obama both ⁢link to⁢ includes ‍many⁣ flashy‍ and shareable ‍infographics about the ⁤number of ⁤attempted ⁢bans ⁢and ‌titles‌ targeted, but ⁢does not​ share⁤ or ⁢even link to⁤ a list⁢ of⁢ books ‍allegedly being ⁣banned, ⁣or​ even​ name a single title​ of a⁣ banned book. ⁣That’s⁤ because they want you to assume‌ racist​ Republicans⁣ are ⁣banning ⁢titles⁤ like⁤ “To ⁣Kill ‍A⁣ Mockingbird,”⁣ not, ⁤you⁤ know, ​graphic ⁢novels ​like ⁣“Gender‍ Queer,” ‌whose author ⁣uses e/em/eir‌ pronouns, and which includes illustrations of ⁣oral sex⁣ between ⁣teen⁤ boys.

Much has‍ been written‍ about⁣ the left’s‍ lies ⁤on ‍the topic, but when elites like Obama⁣ and​ Clinton⁣ pipe⁣ up, it’s ‍worth​ calling out⁤ their continued⁢ hypocrisy⁢ on‌ how your ‌children​ should​ be raised,⁤ but not ⁢theirs.‍ Do you think ⁤the prestigious⁢ Sidwell ‌Friends⁢ School where‍ the ⁣Obama children ‌attended ⁤offers ‌pornographic graphic novels ⁤in ‍their library? ​Of​ course⁢ not. Sure,‌ Chelsea Clinton ​reads ​her ​children ⁢plenty of her ‌own‌ feminist ‍propaganda ⁢children’s⁢ books, but ⁣is ​she ⁤really reading a⁢ best-selling LGBT‌ book ⁤featuring​ a “bumming instruction⁣ manual” discussing “tops⁢ and ‌bottoms”⁤ with​ her‌ children?‍ Doubtful.⁢ But‍ it’s‍ OK ⁤in your ‌kid’s middle school classroom.

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It’s further evidence of a phenomenon​ that ​writer ⁣Tim⁢ Carney⁤ recognized ​years ago, that “liberal elites’⁤ secret ‌weapon is ‍conservative ⁤family ‍values.” In ‍short, their‌ real privilege is ⁣not the‌ ungodly⁤ wealth ⁣or‍ class ‍—⁢ although those ⁣certainly‍ help — but the ability to ‌keep “their children away from drugs, ‍early death, violence, dropping out of‍ high school, [or]‌ dropping ⁣out‍ of the‌ labor ⁣force,” which⁤ is ⁣typically⁣ achieved⁤ by raising⁢ children in ⁣a traditional two-parent‍ family ⁢with ​an intact marriage.

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I would‍ argue​ the updated ‍version⁢ of ​this privilege ⁤now ⁢includes the‍ ability to scrutinize​ and⁢ monitor the media, and thus the ⁢political and⁤ social ⁣indoctrination, ⁤your⁢ child​ consumes.

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As The​ Federalist’s‌ Senior ⁣Editor ⁢David‍ Harsanyi ⁤writes ⁤about‌ the ⁢“banned⁤ book” racket, ⁢“for​ the‍ most part, ‘book‍ ban’ ⁢is ⁤just a‌ euphemism for ​progressive ‍administrators‌ and teachers‍ losing some ⁤of their ‍power ⁣over your kids.” ​Not‌ theirs.


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Madeline​ Osburn is​ managing editor at The Federalist. ⁢Contact‍ her at ‌[email protected] or ⁣follow her‍ on ‍Twitter.


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