
Big Guns Coffee: Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit

Big Guns Coffee FB⁣ screenshot

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OAN’s Taylor Tinsley
3:00⁤ PM – Tuesday, July⁣ 18, ⁤2023

Eight-year old Charlie Johnson launched Big‌ Guns Coffee with⁤ her military veteran ‍father⁢ T.Shane in 2021. Based in North Carolina, their business has been making‌ sales all over the world​ after ⁣Charlie decided she ‍wanted to become an entrepreneur​ overnight. 

“She ⁤says ‘dad I wanted⁤ to start ⁤a business,’” T.Shane told ‍One‌ America‌ News. “And⁤ I said ‘I’ll tell you what,⁢ if you can come ⁣up ‍with⁤ a name and a ⁤logo then we’ll make‍ it happen’… 20 minutes later I⁢ came​ back and she⁣ had come up with ‘Big Guns Coffee’ and drew ⁣the logo and put it‍ all together​ and⁤ I was like⁤ wow.”

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T.Shane,​ who is also a Marine Corps ⁢Veteran, motivational​ speaker, author and world record athlete, said that’s ⁣how it ⁢all started.⁤ He knew that was the “defining moment”⁤ to get behind such⁣ an inspiring ⁤young woman.

“He’s just ​done so many ⁢things,” ‌Charlie said when asked about ⁤what encouraged her​ to come up with the idea. “So it’s like ‍a brand to him but from me.”

“Coffee ‍just happened to be the product,” T.Shane continued. “If she would have picked unicorns I guess I would⁣ have been in the unicorn farm business, but ⁢really ⁢it’s just an extension ⁣of what it is for a father to get behind his ‌daughter and ​encourage ‍her to be a business owner in one of ‌the greatest countries in the⁤ world.”

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The pair were able⁣ to give insight into​ their coffee⁢ making process. According to their website ⁣“each craft is roasted with passion, ⁢resilience,‍ and ‌a whole ‍lot of love.” T.Shane shared​ Charlie gets up ⁣at‍ four o’clock every ⁣morning and works non-stop seven days a ‌week during⁤ the summer. 

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“So we get this green bean… and we do it in ‌our house‌ so the whole⁣ place smells like⁢ coffee,” ⁣Charlie said. “We ⁤have⁤ this little⁣ roasting pot ‌and you put it in ‍there for‌ about‍ 30 minutes, it gets ​darker and darker ‌depending on which ‌roast it is.”

They’ve created an ​impressive selection of⁢ 38 coffee​ blends starting at just $18.99 and also emphasized they⁤ recycle. In unison Charlie and T.Shane said “we ⁣grow it, roast it, serve ⁢it,⁣ and recycle⁤ it!”

The father-daughter ‌duo also prides themselves in‍ being able to create‌ North Carolina’s first-ever hydroponic coffee ⁢farm. T.Shane⁢ said the ⁤climate⁣ doesn’t⁣ sustain the ⁢ability​ to ⁢grow‌ coffee ‍where they’re located. He later learned about hydroponics ‌and realized it ​was‌ “the future of farming” the more he became involved with it.

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According to the National⁣ Agriculture ⁣Library, ⁤hydroponics is “the technique of growing plants‌ using a water-based nutrient ‌solution rather than‍ soil, and ⁣can⁤ include‌ an aggregate substrate, or‌ growing media, such as vermiculite, coconut ‍coir,‍ or⁢ perlite. 

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“People can come out and at one point harvest ⁤coffee,” T.Shane told OAN. “We process on‌ site,‍ we roast⁤ on site and serve on⁢ site ‍so that​ you ⁤get the‌ same ‍experience ⁣you‍ would if ⁣you ‍went ‍to a farm in South America, Africa, or ‌Costa⁤ Rica, but we’re right⁤ here in ​the farming community.”

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Charlie and T.Shane note side effects ‌of their coffee⁣ may include “uncontrollable bursts​ of laughter, an ⁣irresistible⁣ urge to share‌ dad jokes, and‍ an⁤ addiction to ‌the awesomeness” of⁣ their delicious cup of joe.

Big ⁢Guns​ Coffee also sells other ⁣items and merchandise including⁢ K-Cups, soap, T-0hirts, hoodies,‌ coffee⁢ mugs, and hats.

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Be sure⁢ to ‍check out their⁤ website at https://www.biggunscoffee.com/

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