Conservative News Daily

Trump tells DeSantis to return home amidst Florida’s insurance crisis and campaign troubles.

Former⁣ President‍ Donald⁢ Trump‍ Takes⁣ Aim⁤ at Florida​ Governor ⁣Ron⁤ DeSantis

During⁣ the ‌Turning⁢ Point Action Conference in⁣ West Palm ‍Beach, ⁤Florida,‍ former ‍President‌ Donald ‍Trump didn’t hold‍ back in criticizing ⁤Florida ‍Republican Governor ​Ron‍ DeSantis. Trump⁣ urged ⁣DeSantis to ‌address the ‌insurance crisis and increased risks from ⁣natural‍ disasters plaguing the state.

“We‍ are totally ⁣dominating ⁣DeSanctus ‌right here in the ‌state‌ of Florida,” ‌Trump declared at ⁣the ⁤event. ​”So, ​we ‍want​ him to⁣ get⁢ home⁤ and⁣ take care ‍of ⁣insurance because⁤ you have⁢ the​ highest insurance⁢ in the​ nation.”

Trump’s⁤ comments come as insurers‌ like ⁣Farmers Insurance ‍and ‌the ⁢American Automobile‍ Association‌ are ⁤pulling back coverage ​in‍ Florida ⁣due ‍to the escalating costs ‍and⁤ risks associated with⁣ natural ⁣disasters.

But‌ Trump didn’t stop there. ‍He‌ also ‍criticized ⁤DeSantis⁢ for focusing on⁣ dividing‍ the ‍GOP⁣ instead of⁢ using campaign resources to ⁤challenge President Joe Biden.

“DeSanctimonious and his establishment ⁣handlers‌ are wasting⁣ such ⁢precious time ​and⁢ resources‍ to‍ divide⁣ the ‍party,” Trump⁣ asserted.⁤ “Although, he’s⁤ dropping ⁢so‍ quickly. He’s probably ⁣not‌ going ‍to ⁢be⁢ in second ⁣place​ much longer.”

Trump​ even questioned⁤ DeSantis’ ⁤ability ⁣to ⁢handle international⁢ conflicts,‌ specifically ​mentioning the war⁣ in ‌Ukraine. ​He ‌claimed that⁤ DeSantis⁣ is controlled by the ⁢globalist ​establishment⁣ and ‍incapable ​of resolving the conflict, while assuring ⁤the ‍audience that⁤ he​ could settle ⁤it within‌ 24 hours.

Despite⁣ being ⁢seen ‌as⁤ Trump’s main rival ⁤in the ​2024 GOP primary, ‍DeSantis has struggled to ⁤gain​ traction⁤ in⁤ recent months. ⁢According⁣ to ⁢a‍ RealClearPolitics poll, ​Trump​ maintains‍ a significant​ lead over DeSantis, with ‌no other candidates‌ reaching ‍double digits.

DeSantis, ‍however,​ remains ⁢determined to prove his ​capabilities⁤ and defeat Trump. In ⁣a memo obtained‍ by NBC ⁣News, ⁣his campaign expressed confidence in ⁣their⁢ ability to win the​ marathon ⁢ahead.

It’s clear⁤ that the ​rivalry ‍between Trump ​and⁤ DeSantis‌ is intensifying,‌ with both leaders ⁢vying⁤ for ‌support ‌and recognition within⁢ the‍ Republican​ Party.⁣ Only ⁢time will‌ tell ⁤how this ⁣dynamic ⁢will​ shape the future⁤ of ‌the⁣ GOP.

Sources: ​The​ Western ⁢Journal, ‌The ​Hill, CBS ‌News, ‌The‍ Western Journal,‍ The Western Journal, ⁣The Western​ Journal, ​RealClearPolitics,⁤ NBC News, NBC ⁤News

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