Three key insights from day one of the Turning Point Action conference.

Support for Trump’s 2024 Presidential ⁢Bid Shines‍ at ⁤Turning⁣ Point Action Conference

As the ⁣Turning Point Action 𝅺conference kicked off in West Palm Beach, Florida on ‌Saturday, the excitement and support ⁤for​ former President⁤ Donald ⁢Trump’s potential‍ 2024 ​presidential bid were ⁣palpable. Trump, ‍taking⁣ the stage in ​the Sunshine State,⁤ didn’t ‍miss 𝅺the chance to playfully⁢ taunt his biggest ‌rival in the GOP𝅺 presidential primary, Gov.𝅺 Ron DeSantis⁢ (R-FL), urging him ⁢to “get home.”

Powerful Speeches​ and Bold Statements

The 𝅺day𝅺 was ⁢filled with ⁤captivating speeches ⁢from ‌notable figures such as Reps. Byron ⁢Donalds 𝅺(R-FL), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), ‌and ⁣Anna Paulina Luna‌ (R-FL),⁢ all of whom ⁤have ⁣proudly endorsed the former president.⁢ The 𝅺crowd was also ​treated‌ to an‌ engaging‍ address by Tucker Carlson. ⁢Throughout ⁣the ⁢event,​ speakers took the opportunity to discuss their support,‌ or⁢ lack thereof, for ‌Ukraine and Trump.

Key Takeaways 𝅺from⁣ the Conference

  • Speakers and ⁣attendees⁣ united against⁢ providing aid to⁤ Ukraine, emphasizing⁤ an ⁢”America-first” stance.
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  • Anna ⁤Paulina‍ Luna ⁢boldly declared her refusal to𝅺 support any presidential candidate who would send American troops to Ukraine, 𝅺solidifying her ⁣endorsement ⁣of‍ President Trump.
  • Matt Gaetz passionately reminded‌ the audience that ⁤their battle is​ for ‍America, not𝅺 for ‌Crimea, and⁢ received resounding applause⁢ for rebuking politicians who⁤ disagreed.
  • Tucker ‌Carlson challenged the ⁤prevailing belief⁤ that Russia⁢ is solely to ⁤blame in the⁤ conflict, sparking thought-provoking discussions among‍ the 𝅺younger⁣ attendees.
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  • Donald ‌Trump, ‌the final​ speaker of ⁣the⁢ evening, confidently promised to⁤ end the Ukraine 𝅺war within 24 hours, emphasizing his‍ unique​ ability⁤ to prevent a potential third world war.

Tucker ‌Carlson’s‍ Controversial Remarks

Tucker Carlson,⁣ known for⁢ his‌ outspoken‌ views on‍ Ukraine and U.S. 𝅺support⁣ for ‍the‍ country,⁣ made waves during ⁣the conference.𝅺 Fresh‌ from moderating⁣ a presidential forum in ⁢Iowa, Carlson playfully ‍hinted ⁢at “savaging Mike Pence” ⁣but refrained from naming ⁤him ⁢directly.𝅺 He humorously compared‌ discussing the⁤ exchange with Pence ‍to defeating a five-year-old ‌in​ soccer⁣ or​ ping pong.

Trump-DeSantis Feud Takes Center Stage

Amidst ​the‍ ongoing⁣ controversy surrounding his criticism of Gov. Kim ⁣Reynolds‌ (R-IA) and his absence from⁤ the𝅺 Iowa​ summit, ‍Trump didn’t​ hold ‌back 𝅺in his speech, taking ​aim at Gov. Ron DeSantis. Trump𝅺 urged DeSantis to⁤ prioritize his duties in⁤ Florida, ‍particularly𝅺 addressing the‍ rising ​costs of insurance due ​to natural ⁣disasters. ⁤DeSantis’⁤ campaign press ⁣secretary, Bryan Griffin, responded 𝅺to the⁣ criticism, highlighting the governor’s strong interview at the Family Leadership Summit‍ and ⁤his commitment to campaigning.

Click here to read more from The Washington‍ Examiner.

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