Washington Examiner

DeSantis backs lethal force at border, cautions cartels will face fatal consequences.

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Supports Use of “Deadly Force” to Protect the Southern Border

During a recent event in Eagle Pass, Texas, Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his support for allowing federal law enforcement on the southern border to use “deadly force” against dangerous criminal organizations attempting to break into the United States. DeSantis emphasized the need to protect the country from cartels and their illegal activities.

“If the cartels are cutting through the border wall trying to run product into this country, they’re going to end up stone-cold dead as a result of that bad decision,” DeSantis said.

Ensuring Border Security

DeSantis compared the situation to someone breaking into a house, stating that both individuals and the state of Texas would not allow such actions to go unpunished. He firmly believes that deadly force should be used to protect the border, just as it is done in Texas.

“Would you let somebody just break into your house and do you harm? No. And I can tell you in Texas they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t do that,” DeSantis continued. “Of course, you use deadly force. I mean, they do that in Texas. Why is our country any different?”

DeSantis, a prominent Republican contender for president, further stated that eliminating the threat posed by cartel operatives would deter future attempts to breach the border.

“If you go and drop a couple of these cartel operatives trying to do that, you’re not going to have to worry about that anymore,” DeSantis said. “They’re only messing with it because they know they can get away with it.”

Shocking Discoveries at the Border

During a recent trip to the Arizona border, DeSantis was shocked to learn about the tactics employed by Mexican drug cartels. He revealed that they used power tools, including blow torches, to cut through the new border wall and smuggle drugs into the country.

“You’d have the drug cartels actually cut through these really strong metal beams. And you have these guys with the backpacks, and they scurry right in through the wall,” DeSantis said. “I’m just thinking to myself, ‘How could a country let that happen?'”

DeSantis emphasized the need for stronger border security measures to prevent such incidents from occurring.

Creating Rules of Engagement

DeSantis clarified that his support for using deadly force would only come after establishing clear rules of engagement. He did not advocate for shooting illegal immigrants but rather focused on targeting dangerous criminal organizations.

Since President Joe Biden took office, over 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border, highlighting the urgency of addressing border security concerns.

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