Conservative News Daily

CBS acknowledges the unfavorable situation surrounding the Hunter Biden case.

Even CBS Admits Truth About Hunter Biden Case, It’s Not Looking Good for Them

Democrats are widely claiming that these small charges and sparse punishments Hunter Biden just pleaded guilty to is the “end” of the troubles he is facing. But even CBS News is warning that this may not be altogether true.

Early on Tuesday, it was reported that President Joe Biden’s youngest son, Hunter, had reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors that would deliver scant consequences for a few of the crimes that he is accused of committing.

Hunter pleaded guilty to two federal charges of willfully failing to pay federal income taxes, according to a court filing submitted Tuesday by federal prosecutors.

Citing what it said were sources who had seen the full plea agreement, NBC News claimed that U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss will recommend that Hunter Biden be sentenced to probation for the two tax crimes.

The reports also say that Biden is entering a pretrial diversion agreement to resolve the charge of illegal possession of a gun by a drug user or drug addict.

If he remains drug-free for two years and agrees to never own a gun again, the gun charge will be erased from his record, The New York Times reported.

Chris Clark, Hunter Biden’s criminal defense lawyer, has insisted that these deals mean that “the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.”

Democrats are touting the plea deals Hunter made as evidence that the investigations into his activities are now over and that it proves he has been held accountable for his actions. CNN’s Dana Bash, for instance, claimed that the plea deals prove that there isn’t a “two-tiered justice system” where regular Americans and Republicans are sent to jail for decades for the least violations and Democrats — especially those named Biden — are given the least possible punishments for everything, and that is if they are even prosecuted at all.

So, don’t you worry America.

Yet, even these little slaps on Hunter’s wrists don’t quite square with Joe Biden’s constant proclamations that Hunter “did nothing wrong.”

You may remember this proclamation:

It all begs the question, if Hunter “did nothing wrong,” Joe, why is your son making plea deals?

Regardless, not everyone agrees that the Hunter plea deals are justice well served.

Tucker Carlson, for one, shredded these sweetheart deals in episode 5 of his Twitter series.

Even CBS has admitted that Hunter may not quite be out of the woods on these investigations into his probable criminal behavior.

Left-wing reporter Catherine Herridge hit the air on Tuesday and insisted that “This may just be the beginning.”

“I can tell you having covered this for several years, now, that this is likely to be a very controversial plea agreement,” Herridge said during a special report on the news of Hunter’s deals. “Especially with Republicans on Capitol Hill. Over the last few years — not only in the House but in the Senate — their investigators have raised very serious questions about these business deals with Chinese nationals as well as this Ukraine energy firm, Burisma. And then more recently we’ve had whistleblowers come forward — an IRS whistleblower spoke on the record with CBS News — as well as whistleblowers from the Justice Department had gone to Capitol Hill complaining that this investigation has been slow walked, and that standard investigative procedures have not been followed.”

“So, this may just be the beginning of the story in many respects,” Herridge concluded.

Certainly, it remains to be seen if these investigations into Hunter Biden will fade away resulting in no serious consequences and if these light slaps on his wrist will remain his only comeuppance. But there are far more serious charges lurking that may be filed against him in the near future.

We shall have to wait and see if there really is a two-tiered justice system after all.

The post Even CBS Admits Truth About Hunter Biden Case, It’s Not Looking Good for Them appeared first on The Western Journal.

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