Washington Examiner

Sarah Bedford claims that the Presidential Records Act was not effectively enforced until the Trump administration.

The Washington Examiner: Charges Against Trump Raise Questions About Selective Enforcement

The charges against former President Donald Trump, brought by Department of Justice special counsel Jack Smith, have sparked a debate about the enforcement of the Presidential Records Act. Sarah Bedford, a reporter for The Washington Examiner, argues that the act has not been aggressively enforced in the past and that Trump’s indictment appears to be selective.

Trump’s Defense Previewed in Fox News Interview

In a recent interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, Trump provided a glimpse into his defense strategy. Bedford believes that this interview was a crucial preview of what will be at the heart of Trump’s defense.

Trump’s Claims About Declassification Authority

During the interview, Trump asserted that he had the authority to declassify materials, stating, “everything was declassified.” He also mentioned that, like previous presidents, he removed personal items from the White House.

A Potential Violation of the Presidential Records Act

Bedford explains that if we strip away the sensational aspects of the case, such as claims of aides wearing wires and Trump’s comments about documents, the core issue is a potential violation of the Presidential Records Act. This act has never been treated as a criminal offense before and has not been aggressively enforced.

Bedford points out that other public figures, like Hillary Clinton, have been allowed to determine which records are private and which should be returned to the government without facing scrutiny. This selective enforcement raises questions about the fairness of Trump’s prosecution.

Defense Focus: Selective Enforcement and Unprecedented Application

Bedford believes that Trump’s defense will center around the argument that he is being prosecuted for a violation of a law that has never been enforced in this manner before. The defense will likely highlight the selective nature of the charges against Trump.

Trump was federally indicted earlier this month on multiple counts related to the retention, concealment, and obstruction of national defense information.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

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