Conservative News Daily

Clothing brand donates $250K to organization for kids’ transition without parental consent.

Hollister Clothing Brand Donates to Group Targeting Children

Hollister, a national clothing brand, has joined the ultra-woke movement and is openly donating to a group whose sole purpose is to target children. Originally focused on surf culture style, Hollister has now gone all-in for the woke agenda with a “Pride collection” of clothing featuring the rainbow colors of the extremist LGBT movement.

The company’s latest “pride” collection was not merely created by its usual in-house designers. This year, Hollister was proud to announce on its pride collection website that its 2023 line was “co-created” by the radical, child grooming activist group GLSEN.

The company also proudly posted tweet after tweet in support of GLSEN and its goals and has donated $250,000 to the group. In one recent tweet, the clothing brand noted that it has been a GLSEN partner since 2017.

GLSEN, formerly known as the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, has nationwide chapters that attempt to sneak LGBT propaganda into classrooms. The radical organization also works to undermine parents by reaching their kids with reading materials about gender transitioning at school and how it can be done without parental knowledge.

Target is another of GLSEN’s partners, naturally. But it has a long list of other corporate sponsors, including Walmart, Petsmart, Wells Fargo, Disney, Amazon Studios, Youtube, New Balance, Hulu, State Farm, Urban Outfitters, CBS, Colgate-Palmolive, Nickelodeon, Calvin Klein, MGM, Viacom, and many more.

Hold Companies Accountable

As Americans focus on Target, Bud Light, Walmart, and Kohls, we must keep an eye on many more than those few and target all of them for their outrageous support of the anti-child LGBT agenda. The power to hold the companies accountable is in your hands, America. Let’s work together to stop these companies from corrupting our children.

  • Hollister is donating $250,000 to GLSEN, a group targeting children with LGBT propaganda
  • Hollister’s latest “pride” collection was co-created by GLSEN
  • GLSEN works to undermine parents by reaching their kids with reading materials about gender transitioning at school
  • Target, Walmart, and many other companies are also corporate sponsors of GLSEN
  • We must hold these companies accountable for their support of the anti-child LGBT agenda

The post Major Clothing Brand to Donate $250K to Org That Wants to Transition Kids Without Parent’s Permission appeared first on The Western Journal.

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