
FBI ended four Clinton probes before 2016 election.

Breaking News: FBI Shut Down Four Criminal Investigations into Clintons Prior to 2016 Presidential Campaign

In a long-awaited report released by Special Counsel John Durham, it has been revealed that the FBI shut down four criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton prior to her 2016 presidential campaign.

Investigations into Clinton Foundation

Additionally, the report showed that in 2016, three separate FBI field offices opened investigations into the Clinton foundation for ‘possible criminal activity.’ One of the investigations focused on a comment from journalist Peter Schweizer’s 2015 book titled Clinton Cash.

The comment claimed that the Clintons’ charity was taking millions of dollars’ worth of donations from foreign governments who were trying to change U.S. foreign policy while Hilary was Secretary of State.

Investigations Closed by Senior Officials

Durham found that despite all of the investigations making progress, all of the cases were closed by senior officials.

After Durham’s report was released, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe came out and claimed that the report was “never a legitimate investigation.”

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