Washington Examiner

Miami’s Republican mayor may run for president in 2024.

Miami GOP Mayor Francis Suarez “Strongly Considering” Presidential Run in 2024

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has hinted at a potential presidential run in 2024, stating that he has “strongly considered” it. If he does decide to run, he will likely face off against two other prominent Floridians in the Republican primary: former President Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis.

Decision to be Made Soon

Although Suarez has not yet made a definitive decision, he stated that he will make one soon, as the debates are coming up quickly on August 20th. He believes that being on the debate stage is crucial for someone like him, who is relatively unknown nationally but has ascended quickly.

Success in Miami

Suarez also pointed to his success in Miami, where he has reduced taxes to their lowest level, seen double-digit growth, and reduced homicides to the lowest per capita level since 1964. He believes that his accomplishments will captivate people across America and make him an appealing candidate, particularly to the younger and Hispanic demographics.

  • Reduced taxes to lowest level
  • Double-digit growth
  • Reduced homicides to lowest per capita level since 1964
  • Lowest unemployment in America

Suarez also believes that Hispanics are likely to turn towards Republicans due to their disapproval of Democrats referring to them as “Latinx.”

Pitch for National Candidacy

During the interview, Suarez appeared to give a subtle pitch for himself as a national candidate. He believes that his success in Miami and his status as the son of Cuban immigrants will make him an appealing candidate to a wide range of voters.

Although Suarez is not currently presented as an option in most polls, he may have a chance at winning the presidency if he can close the large gap between himself and Trump in a relatively short period of time.

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