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Musk warns to take China’s Taiwan capture comments seriously.

Elon Musk Warns U.S. Policymakers to Take China’s Threats Seriously

During an interview with CNBC’s David Faber, Twitter owner Elon Musk expressed his concern about the growing tension between China and the U.S. He warned that China’s threats of taking over Taiwan should be taken seriously because the communist nation is not kidding around when it comes to its intent to do so.

China’s Official Policy on Taiwan

When asked if he thinks China is going to make a move to take control of Taiwan, Musk responded, “The official policy of China is that Taiwan should be integrated. One does not need to read between the lines, one can certainly read the lines.”

The Severity of the Situation

Musk emphasized that the move would not be good for any company in the world. He also pointed out that the Chinese economy and the rest of the global economy are like conjoined twins, making it impossible to separate them. “That’s the severity of the situation,” he said. “It’s actually worse for a lot of other companies than it is for Tesla.”

Take China’s Word Seriously

When Faber mentioned that it seemed like it was Musk’s belief that China trying to gain control of Taiwan was “likely to happen,” Musk responded, “I’m simply saying that that is their policy. And I think you should take their word seriously. They mean it.”

The Bottom Line

It’s clear that the tension between China and the U.S. is a cause for concern for everyone. As Musk pointed out, the situation is severe and could have serious consequences for the global economy. It’s important for policymakers to take China’s threats seriously and work towards finding a peaceful resolution.

  • China’s official policy is that Taiwan should be integrated
  • The move would not be good for any company in the world
  • The Chinese economy and the rest of the global economy are like conjoined twins
  • You should take China’s word seriously

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