the federalist

Tuberville opposes taxpayer-funded abortions by the Pentagon.

America’s Military Readiness at Risk Due to Politicized Pentagon

The Problem

America’s military is facing a major recruiting crisis and growing threats from China and other belligerents. Yet the Biden administration is pushing taxpayer-funded abortions, among other woke agenda items, that are rightfully fueling fears that a politicized Pentagon won’t be able to defend our country.

Whether it’s climate change, subsidizing abortions, or the woke trio of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Defense Department’s top brass is in lockstep with the radical left’s political agenda. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is overseeing these sweeping changes and harming our military’s readiness as a result.

The Solution

Too few political leaders are standing up to challenge this damaging agenda. Fortunately, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama, isn’t shying away from the fight.

Over the past several months, Tuberville has blocked the promotions of senior military officers, refusing to budge until the Pentagon reverses its policy subsidizing abortions. He’s taking heat from Democrats and Republicans, but he’s fully within his rights and consistent with his duties and responsibility as a senator to withhold consent as he demands changes from Pentagon leadership.

Tuberville and a growing number of conservative lawmakers, recognize this policy for what it is: an abusive use of political power. Austin’s action is clearly illegal. It’s also immoral.

The Impact

The greatest threat to military readiness is the actions of a commander-in-chief who imposes unlawful policies and undermines the sanctity of civil-military relations that are the bedrock of well-functioning armed forces. He should be ashamed to put a political agenda ahead of the purpose and mission of the armed forces and the support and well-being of those that serve.

Rather than focusing on confronting serious challenges such as the rise of China and its hegemonic ambitions, Biden and Austin have unnecessarily dragged the military into the middle of a divisive political and social issue and attempted to co-opt military resources in furtherance of an unrelated, partisan, ideological agenda.

It’s time for our military to get back to doing the nation’s business and stop imposing a woke agenda on our military. There is a war in Europe, a rising and threatening China, and an open border.

The Call to Action

America is a global power with global interests and responsibilities. We can’t afford a military distracted by politics. The quickest way to make this right is for Austin to immediately rescind his radical abortion policy.

Each year, The Heritage Foundation publishes an “Index of U.S. Military Strength” to gauge the U.S. military’s ability to perform its missions. This year, for the first time, it ranks the military as weak and at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests.

It’s time for political leaders to stand up and challenge this damaging agenda. We need to support our military and ensure they are ready to defend our country against all threats.

About the Authors

  • Retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin is the Family Research Council’s executive vice president.
  • Retired Lt. Col. James J. Carafano is vice president of The Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute for National Security Policy and its E.W. Richardson fellow.

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