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Ex-AOC Staffer Now High-Ranking NY Communist Party Member

Former Aide to AOC Now a Senior Official in NY Communist Party

Meet Justine Medina

Justine Medina, a former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is now a senior official in the New York State Communist Party. The New York Post recently discovered that Medina had worked as a key policy writer for AOC’s reelection campaign in 2020.

Medina’s new position on the Executive Committee of the New York State Communist Party was publicized by the Communist Party newspaper, People’s World. In July 2021, the publication identified Medina as the co-chair of the New York Young Communist League, after she had worked for the congresswoman.

Medina is also an active member of the Amazon Labor Union at JFK8 and a leader in the nationwide unionization campaign at the online retailer.

A History of Far-Left Views

Before and after AOC’s reelection, Medina openly bragged about being a Marxist. According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data published by The New York Post, she received more than $35,000 between February and November of that year.

Medina’s social media posts show a history of making pro-Marxist statements before and during her employment with Ocasio-Cortez. In October 2020, she posted on Twitter, “[W]ell, I *am* a Communist, but work for AOC & helped start Queens DSA’s Electoral WG, so I def see utility in working on the Dem ballot line!” A month later, she proudly declared, “Communism is about equality, democracy, peace, the advancement of workers, the oppressed, and humanity in general.”

Despite the fact that communist regimes killed an estimated 100 million of their own people in the last century, Medina ominously warned that the path to communism would be “unkind” to those who “block progress,” adding, “[B]ut communism is good and shouldn’t scare you.”

When asked on Twitter whether she believed in the Maoist or Leninist variety of Communism, Medina responded:

  • Maoist or Leninist? Neither, I’m a Marxist-Leninist.

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