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China’s carbon emissions rise while Biden announces crackdown on US power plants.

China’s Carbon Emissions Hit Record High Despite Biden’s Crackdown

China’s Emissions Surge

China’s carbon dioxide emissions have hit a record high in the first quarter of 2023, with a 4.0% year-over-year increase compared to the same period in 2022. This surge in emissions is due to the rollback of lockdowns and an economic rebound in China. According to Carbon Brief, the increase in emissions is driven by a 5.5% increase in oil consumption, a 3.6% increase in coal consumption, and a 1.4% increase in natural gas consumption. The power sector, especially coal, is the largest factor behind the increased fuel use.

China’s Impact on Global Emissions

China is responsible for 26.1% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, surpassing the United States and the European Union. Critics of renewable energy transitions have observed that increased carbon emissions from China, India, and developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa are outpacing emissions declines in the West.

EPA’s New Rules

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently unveiled new rules that will force coal and natural gas power plants in the United States to decrease their emissions. Coal and natural gas plants account for 60% of power generation in the United States. The new standards are expected to produce “climate and public health benefits” worth $85 billion over the next two decades and prevent premature deaths and hospital visits due to decreased particulate matter emissions.

However, West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin opposes the new rules and has announced that he will oppose every EPA nominee from the White House until the rules are reversed. He believes that the regulations will kill the fossil industry by a thousand cuts and harm energy security and reliability.


China’s record-high carbon emissions and the EPA’s new rules highlight the ongoing debate over the transition to renewable energy and the impact on the fossil fuel industry. As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, it is crucial to find a balance between reducing emissions and maintaining energy security and reliability.

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