the federalist

Navy, the only Biden not accepting foreign money at four years old.

The Biden Family’s Foreign Business Dealings

The Only Uncompromised Biden

Four-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, Hunter Biden’s daughter with a stripper, is the only member of the Biden family who hasn’t taken foreign funds. The House Oversight Committee found that 10 of President Biden’s family members, including Hunter, accepted wire payments totaling over $10 million from foreign nationals while Biden was vice president. The payments could indicate attempts to “peddle influence,” and some of the foreign companies have links to the Chinese Communist Party and a corrupt individual in Romania.

The President’s Involvement

Despite denying all wrongdoing, the committee believes President Biden “has been involved” in his family’s foreign business dealings “from the very beginning.” The White House refuses to correct the president’s statement, and the DOJ needs to investigate. If the allegations are “proven true,” someone with the last name Biden needs to be charged, prosecuted, and held accountable for their actions.

The Lavish Lifestyle of Hunter Biden

When Navy’s mother, Lunden Roberts, petitioned the court to officially rename her daughter “Navy Joan Biden” to “benefit from carrying the Biden Family name,” Hunter petitioned against Lunden, claiming her request amounted to “political warfare.” Hunter is now required to answer written questions on his finances, from investments to art sales, to determine if his child support payments should be reduced. Knowing who has been buying Hunter’s artwork and for how much would be valuable in the investigation.

The Potential Aid of Navy and Her Mother

Navy and her mother may also aid the House investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings. Hunter’s child-support trial will take place in July, and the names of the buyers and prices of his artwork have not been disclosed. The Biden family needs to answer for this, and the DOJ needs to investigate.

About the Author

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer for The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at [email protected].

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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