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Ruth Wilson criticizes Hollywood’s lack of morals and modern ideas of female empowerment.

Ruth Wilson Calls Out Hollywood for Lack of Morals and Modern Notions of Female Empowerment

Ruth Wilson, known for her roles in His Dark Materials and Luther, recently spoke out against Hollywood’s lack of moral backbone and modern notions of female empowerment. In an interview with The Guardian, Wilson criticized the pressure for women to use Botox to maintain a youthful appearance, calling it “massive violence.” She also criticized social media for creating a narcissistic society and performative activism.

Wilson’s Criticisms

  • Modern notions of female empowerment
  • Pressure to use Botox
  • Social media’s impact on society
  • Performative feminism and activism
  • Non-disclosure agreements in Hollywood

Wilson also noted the unrealistic expectation for all women to support each other and the lack of moral backbone in Hollywood. While she credited the #MeToo movement for initially changing behavior in the industry, she noted that the shift turned out to be more of a facade than anything substantial.

Wilson is currently performing in the stage play The Second Woman at the Young Vic Theatre and is expected to appear in Andorra and The Woman in the Wall.

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