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Rob Schneider criticizes higher education as a “closed system” with “thought police.”

Rob Schneider Slams Higher Education as a “Closed System”

Comedian and actor Rob Schneider didn’t hold back on Wednesday when he criticized the state of higher education in the United States. Schneider referred to universities as a “closed system” guarded by “thought police.” His comments came in response to a recent campus protest at Portland State University, where radical trans rights activists disrupted and shouted down speakers with whom they disagreed.

Disruptive Activism

Philosopher and author Peter Boghossian was one of the speakers at the event, which was meant to discuss whether minors were capable of consenting to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatments. Boghossian tweeted about the incident, expressing his disappointment that the activists prevented students with sincere objections from engaging in the conversation.

  • Student activists at @Portland_State attempted to disrupt our public conversations today.
  • I am genuinely embarrassed for the activists and disappointed that they prevented students with sincere objections from engaging us.

Schneider responded to Boghossian’s comments, tweeting that universities in America no longer promote learning or allow debate. He called it a “closed system of thought run by thought police” and “authoritarianism dressed up as tolerance.”

  • . @peterboghossian Universities in America no longer promote learning or allow debate. It’s a closed system of thought run by thought police… Authoritarianism dressed us as tolerance.

A Social Justice Factory

Boghossian knows Schneider’s sentiments all too well. In 2021, he left his post as a professor of philosophy at Portland State University after a decade, saying that his school had “sacrificed ideas for ideology.” He wrote a scathing resignation letter, stating that the university had transformed into a “Social Justice factory” that only focused on race, gender, and victimhood.

This latest disruption is just one of many, including a dangerous protest where former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was forced to barricade herself in a locked classroom for her own physical safety.

It’s clear that the state of higher education in America is a contentious issue, with many feeling that universities are no longer promoting free thought and debate. It remains to be seen what steps will be taken to address these concerns.

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