Washington Examiner

Here at the eight Republicans who could get into 2024 White House fight

Top Republicans Considering 2024 Presidential Run

Top Republicans Considering 2024 Presidential Run

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, over half a dozen big-name Republicans remain on the sidelines mulling a run. Already, the contest is shaping up to be a crowded field. Many of the rumored candidates in waiting have hinted they will enter the race, while others have been hesitant to show their hands.


Here is a look at the top Republicans still actively considering a run:

  • Ron DeSantis

    The man everyone is watching, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has consistently polled as the top rival to former President Donald Trump, though his standing in many polls has slipped in recent weeks.

    DeSantis has indicated that he will make his 2024 decision sometime after the Florida legislature wraps up its business at the month’s end. In the interim, he has been swinging through early states and maintaining a brisk travel itinerary.

  • Mike Pence

    Trump’s former running mate has publicly admitted he is contemplating a run, praying over it with his wife. Like DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence has barnstormed through early states. He has also waded into hot-button topics of the day, holding true to his conservative principles on abortion and entitlements while occasionally bashing Trump.

    Pence has indicated he plans to make his 2024 intentions known “well before late June.” He has generally polled around third place but still trails Trump and DeSantis by considerable margins.

  • Chris Sununu

    Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) appears to be itching for a run, making frequent TV appearances and taking shots at both Trump and DeSantis. Polls show him struggling to breach 1% nationally.

    Similar to Pence, Sununu has expressed frustration with the populist insurgency in the GOP. But he’s also criticized the focus on restricting abortion, a polar opposite position from Pence.

    Although he doesn’t appear to have maintained quite the same 2024 buzz-inducing busy travel itinerary across key states as others, including Pence and DeSantis, Sununu has attended key events such as the National Rifle Association’s Annual Leadership Forum. He has teased that a decision will come by the summer.

  • Chris Christie

    Recently, former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) began testing the waters with town halls and various events in the key state of

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