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‘Are You Serious?’: Newscaster Loses It Over Report On Local Zoo’s Bizarre Job Opening

British Zoo Hiring People to Dress Up as Eagles and Chase Seagulls Away

Get ready to spread your wings and fly! A British zoo has recently advertised a new job opportunity that is sure to make you soar with excitement. According to a report, the Blackpool zoo has been struggling to keep seagulls away from visitors, especially when food is involved. To solve this problem, they are looking to hire up to five people to dress up as eagles and scare the pesky gulls away.

Are You Ready to Take Flight?

If you’re an animal lover who is comfortable in a costume, this job might be perfect for you! The zoo is seeking candidates who are “visitor focused,” “friendly,” and “outgoing” – as you need to be comfortable wearing a bird costume! Other in-demand skills include being “lively, energetic, fun, and, most importantly, an excellent flapper.”

But beware, zoo patrons are likely to approach you and ask to take photos. So, if you’re ready to spread your wings and take on this exciting new challenge, apply now!

Even the News Anchor Can’t Keep a Straight Face

A video of the news report about this job opportunity went viral, and for good reason. The news anchor struggled to keep a straight face while reading the report. “Am I really reading this?” he asked incredulously. “They want to hire up to five people for this job – are you serious?”

But the best part was when the news anchor revealed that the zoo had even sent a tweet to James Corden, suggesting that he would be perfect for the job. “We think you’d be ace at it if you want to come and give it a go… from what we saw on The Late Late Show last night, the costume would really suit you too!” the zoo tweeted at Corden.

So, if you’re looking for a job that will make you feel like you’re flying high, apply to be a seagull deterrent at the Blackpool zoo. Who knows, you might even get to meet James Corden!

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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