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Randi Weingarten Is a Provable Evil Liar

Is Randi Weingarten an Evil Liar?

Does the headline sound harsh?

It is accurate on both counts. Randi Weingarten has been and remains an advocate for evil policies and is, indeed, a provable liar.

Consider Her Testimony Before Congress

During her testimony before Congress, Randi Weingarten made several false statements. Here are just a few:

  • False Claim #1: Weingarten claimed that charter schools “cherry-pick” students and do not serve students with disabilities.
  • False Claim #2: Weingarten claimed that charter schools are not held accountable for their performance.
  • False Claim #3: Weingarten claimed that charter schools drain resources from traditional public schools.

These claims have been proven false time and time again. In fact, charter schools often serve a higher percentage of students with disabilities than traditional public schools, and they are held accountable for their performance through rigorous oversight and evaluation.

It’s clear that Weingarten is not to be trusted. She is willing to lie to protect her own interests, even if it means putting children and teachers at risk. We need leaders who are honest and transparent, who will put the needs of our communities first. Weingarten is not one of them.

Is Randi Weingarten an Advocate for Evil Policies and a Provable Liar?

Well, let’s take a closer look.

Blinded by Ideology

Many people are blinded by ideology and the desire to believe that liberals actually care for their well-being. But do they really?

Consider the words of Al Shanker, former president of the AFT:

“When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.”

It’s a blunt statement, but it speaks volumes about the true priorities of union leaders.

A Provable Liar

Now, let’s talk about Randi Weingarten.

She has been and remains an advocate for evil policies, and her testimony before Congress proves it.

So, is the headline too harsh? Not at all. It’s accurate on both counts.

Don’t be blinded by ideology. See the truth for what it is.

Randi Weingarten is an Evil Liar

For those of you who live in a cave and just turned on your computers for the first time, Randi Weingarten is the head of the American Federation of Teachers. She helped spearhead the movement to close down schools and keep them closed for as long as humanly possible.

She, despite being neither a doctor nor a teacher helped the CDC develop draconian guidelines that kept schools closed for months, and in some cases more than a year. And there is a direct correlation between the level of influence unions have in a school district and the length of those school closures.

Pradeep is a Great Account to Follow on Twitter

(Pradeep, by the way, is a great account to follow on Twitter. As am I.)

The Impact of Union Influence on School Closures

According to Return to Learn Tracker, there is a direct correlation between the level of influence unions have in a school district and the length of those school closures. This is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed.

Take Action

It’s time to hold Randi Weingarten and other union leaders accountable for their actions. We need to prioritize the education and well-being of our children over political agendas. Contact your local representatives and demand that they take action to ensure our schools remain open and our children receive the education they deserve.

  • Contact your local representatives
  • Join parent advocacy groups
  • Stay informed and engaged in the education system

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our children have access to quality education.

Randi Weingarten is an Evil Liar

It’s time to call out Randi Weingarten for what she is: an evil liar who has been one of the biggest obstacles to getting kids back in the classroom. She has used her power and influence to keep schools closed and attack those who want them reopened.

The Facts

  • She helped write the school closure guidelines and made them much more draconian than almost any other country’s.
  • She was one of the most powerful and loudest voices for keeping kids out of the classrooms.
  • She literally could call the Director of the CDC at a moment’s notice and did.

It’s time to hold Randi Weingarten accountable for her actions and demand that she stop putting politics ahead of our children’s education and well-being.

Randi Weingarten is an Evil Liar

Let’s talk about Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers. She’s been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. Weingarten has been accused of pressuring the CDC to keep schools closed during the pandemic, despite overwhelming evidence that it was safe to reopen. And now, we know that she was lying all along.

The Damage She’s Done

Weingarten’s actions have had devastating consequences for millions of children. School closures have led to a host of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and even suicide. And the learning loss that has occurred over the past year will have long-lasting effects on our children’s futures.

  • She dismissed parents who were desperate to get their kids back in school
  • She used COVID as a political cudgel against Republicans
  • She claimed that kids are resilient and would just bounce back

But the truth is, they haven’t bounced back. And Weingarten is to blame.

The Irony of It All

What’s even more ironic is that the same people who tell us that we need to get to kids early because their brains are developing are the same people who tell us that being out of school and locked up at home is no big deal. We need Early Childhood Education right now starting as young as possible, but also if kids don’t go to school at all they are “resilient.” It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

Randi Weingarten: An Evil Liar?

As late as 2022, Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was still pushing to keep schools closed. Back in 2021, President Biden put pressure on Weingarten to get teachers back in the classrooms, as the political negatives of school closures were becoming clear. Weingarten promised that she could deliver for him. But the reality was that the AFT unions were at the forefront of the movement to keep schools closed. It was AFT locals in the largest cities that led the fight against reopening schools, and it was AFT locals who threatened strikes in 2022 to close schools as Omicron surged.

When push came to shove, Weingarten sided with school closures. Now, though, she has joined the Fauci brigade: people whose memories get clouded and whose recollection is that they were on the side of the angels, desperately trying to keep the country open as others recklessly shut things down. They were desperate to help people but helpless to stop the insanity.

Weingarten literally said that as a 65-year-old, she can’t remember as she used to. But can we really believe her?

The Truth About Randi Weingarten

  • Weingarten was still pushing to keep schools closed in 2022.
  • The AFT unions were at the forefront of the movement to keep schools closed.
  • AFT locals in the largest cities led the fight against reopening schools.
  • Weingarten sided with school closures when push came to shove.

It’s time to call Randi Weingarten out for what she is: an evil liar. Don’t let her rewrite history and pretend that she was on the right side of this issue. The truth is clear: she was willing to sacrifice the education and well-being of our children for her own political gain.

Don’t be fooled by her lies. Randi Weingarten is not on the side of our children or our country. It’s time to hold her accountable for her actions and demand better for our schools and our future.

Remembering the Truth About Teachers’ Unions

It’s easy to forget the truth about teachers’ unions when we’re bombarded with messages about how they’re fighting for better education and fair treatment for teachers. But the reality is that these unions are often more concerned with their own power and influence than with the well-being of students or educators.

One example of this is Randi Weingarten, the current president of the American Federation of Teachers. She likes to talk about how much she cares about students and teachers, but her actions tell a different story. She’s been caught lying about her own record and using her position to protect bad teachers instead of advocating for better education.

The Blunt Truth About Union Priorities

Al Shanker, a former president of the AFT, was much more honest about his priorities. He famously said, “When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.” This quote sums up the reality of teachers’ unions: they’re more concerned with their own power and influence than with the well-being of students or educators.

  • Teachers’ unions often protect bad teachers instead of advocating for better education.
  • Union leaders like Randi Weingarten may talk about caring for students and teachers, but their actions tell a different story.
  • Al Shanker’s famous quote reveals the true priorities of teachers’ unions: their own power and influence.

Read More From Original Article Here: Randi Weingarten Is a Provable Evil Liar

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