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‘Uninspiring’ Political Leadership Driving Recruits Away from Military: Rep. Garcia

Why Young Americans Are Turning Away from Military Service

Uninspiring leadership and lousy pay are driving young Americans away from military service, according to one congressman.

A Lack of Vision

The Biden administration’s failure to present a positive vision of military service and lack of accountability for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan are failing to inspire Americans to join the military, said Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.).

“We all know that the Afghanistan debacle, which was touted by this administration as an outstanding success, was an absolutely devastating factor in people wanting to get out [of the military],” Garcia said at an April 28 talk held by the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Leadership matters. And when you have a president of the United States—like we do right now—who is uninspiring and frankly reckless on the international stage… and when you see a Secretary of Defense within the administration behave… like he’s a non-playable character, it’s not inspiring for people.”

Divisive Issues

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has come under increasing fire in recent weeks, after saying he had no regrets about the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in 13 dead American service members and Afghanistan’s political situation reverting to the status quo ante bellum.

Garcia added that the Pentagon’s continued focus on politically divisive, non-warfighting issues like diversity, equity, and inclusion and environmental initiatives was evidence that Department of Defense (Dod) leadership did not have an adequate grasp of the real threats facing the nation.

The Value Proposition

“The whole point of the military is to deter a war. And, if not, to win a war. That’s it,” Garcia.

Garcia added that congressional and executive leadership had also failed for years to offer an adequate value proposition to recruit new talent.

  • The entry pay for a recruit in the military, he noted, is only about $21,000 per year.

It’s no wonder young Americans are turning away from military service. With uninspiring leadership, divisive issues, and low pay, it’s hard to see the value in joining the military. It’s time for our leaders to step up and present a positive vision of military service, address the real threats facing our nation, and offer a better value proposition to recruit new talent.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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