the federalist

How Far Will Corporate Media Go To Cover For And Re-Elect Joe Biden?

The Shocking Truth About Biden’s Press Conference Cheat Sheet

It’s no secret that President Joe Biden relies heavily on cheat sheets and cue cards to navigate public events. But a recent photo of his press conference cheat sheet reveals something far more troubling: members of the White House press corps are actively colluding in a charade to cover up Biden’s incapacity to serve.

The card labeled “Question #1” in the “Reporter Q & A” showed a picture of Los Angeles Times White House correspondent Courtney Subramanian (followed by the phonetic guide to pronouncing her name) and then the text of a question about semiconductor manufacturing. Biden duly called upon Subramanian, who then did ask a question about semiconductors, though not the exact same question that was on his card. In any event, Biden followed the script and gave her the answer to the question he thought he was getting rather than the one she posed.

A New Low for the Press

This incident goes beyond the fact that Biden can’t maneuver through a public event without minute instructions. The card shows that Subramanian is submitting her questions in advance of the presser. And it is likely that others who are called upon are required to do the same. That means that even when his staff allows Biden to face the press in live events, what we are seeing is something along the lines of a Kabuki play and not anything that previous generations would have recognized as an actual opportunity for the press to get real answers about the issues of the day.

This is appalling not just because it shows Biden is incapable of behaving as all of his predecessors have done and submit regularly to unscripted grilling from an often-adversarial press corps. It means they have abandoned even the pretense that they are there to hold the administration accountable and are instead merely the media auxiliaries of the Democratic Party.

Part of a Pattern

The willingness of the press to go into the tank for Democrats is nothing new. But playing along with the Biden show is clear evidence of corruption. It means it is impossible to believe anything that reporters who play this game write or say. It also means that, in the absence of objective medical tests that are made public and which the White House has shown no interest in conducting, no serious person can possibly accept the assurances about Biden’s mental acuity that we are being asked to believe.

  • Age
  • Ageism
  • Courtney Subramanian
  • Health
  • Joe Biden
  • John Fetterman
  • Media
  • Peter Doocy
  • Press
  • Press Conferences
  • Q&A
  • Ukraine
  • White House
  • Yoon Suk Yeol

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