the federalist

Leftist Invaders Will Soon Be In Your Corner Of Red America — If They Haven’t Colonized It Already

The War on Normal Americans: Red Strongholds Under Attack

The battle for America’s heartland has reached a fever pitch as woke activists infiltrate conservative small towns and rural communities. These red strongholds are the final frontier in the war on normal Americans, and the inflection point has been reached.

As blue state residents flee to red communities, they fall into two categories: refugees and invaders. Refugees assimilate and respect local traditions, while invaders seek to turn red communities into replicas of the high-tax, crime-ridden places they left behind.

Blue states are hemorrhaging residents, losing congressional seats and experiencing a vast migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden. The exodus began before Covid but accelerated during lockdowns, with many seeking refuge in states with deeper red tones. However, large cities and suburbs in red states tend to lean left, so refugees gravitate towards rural areas and small towns that allow folks to live and let live.

But the left-wing power elites have their sights set on flyover country, spreading their agendas and homogenizing every small corner of the nation. Red states are turning purple one county council and school board takeover at a time, lured by federal funds that come with woke chains attached. Meanwhile, rural boards of supervisors vote for off-the-wall resolutions, such as urging ratification of the long-expired Equal Rights Amendment.

The Hostile Takeover Fast-Tracked by the 2016 Election

The leftist targeting of rural America happened mostly in fits and starts until the 2016 election of Trump. Now, the war on normal Americans has reached a new level of intensity, with red strongholds under attack from woke invaders. Will they succeed in turning these communities into replicas of the places they left behind, or will normal Americans stand strong and defend their way of life?

icture the “leftugee invasion” of rural America. It all started with well-heeled leftists buying second homes in picturesque rural areas. But it didn’t stop there. They brought their rainbow flags and their politics with them, pushing for greater federal control and influence in their new communities. And the long-time rural residents? They were clueless about how easily their local elections could be swayed by low voter turnout and pressure from the invading newcomers.

But it’s not just about politics. As Charles Murray pointed out, when strong bonds and traditions erode, a vacuum develops that’s filled with addictions and dependency. Rural Americans are just as susceptible to political correctness as anyone else. And with mayoral elections often going uncontested and only a few hundred votes needed to win, a little bit of “Alinskyite community organizing” is all it may take to run the show in rural America.

So what’s the solution? We need to strengthen our bonds and traditions, and be wary of those who seek to manipulate us. As Americans, we all have a hard-wired need to be socially connected, but we also have a primal fear of ostracism. Let’s not let the leftugee invasion tear us apart.

Don’t Let Invaders Colonize Your Community

Are you a refugee from a blue state who has found a new home in rural or red America? Beware of invaders who seek to wipe out traditional American values and replace them with their own dystopian agendas.

Mark Pulliam’s recent essay in The Federalist, “Leftists are Colonizing Red Towns Like Mine, and Local Republicans are Clueless,” highlights the invader-versus-refugee dynamic in red America. Pulliam found woke agendas everywhere in his new Appalachian town, from the local library to the schools and newspaper. He warns that unless rural voters push back, their towns will become dysfunctional knockoffs of places like Portland, Oregon.

Another essay, “Hicklibs on Parade,” by Peachy Keenan at The American Mind, exposes the queering of red states and smaller towns, where “woke yokels” have traded in traditional Christian values for social affirmation. Keenan notes that this psychological manipulation flows downstream into red America’s “ruralite gen pop who don’t have the brain power or social conditioning to manage it.”

Don’t let invaders colonize your community. Work with like-minded neighbors to build healthy local communities of goodwill. Help good people win local offices and preserve the values and traditions that allow us all to live and let live.

Stella Morabito is the author of the thought-provoking book, “The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer.” Her insightful essays have been featured in a variety of publications, including the Washington Examiner, American Greatness, Townhall, Public Discourse, and The Human Life Review. With a background in intelligence analysis, Morabito has focused on various aspects of Russian and Soviet politics, including communist media and propaganda. Follow her on Twitter for more fascinating insights.

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