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Dem Rep Says She Has Parkinson’s, Will Stay in Office

Jennifer Wexton, via Twitter

Democratic congresswoman Jennifer Wexton from Virginia shared that she has Parkinson’s disease but intends to continue serving in office.

Wexton posted a video on World Parkinson’s Day on Tuesday via Twitter, saying, “I’m doing well, and I want to bring about as much good from this diagnosis as I can—including here in Congress. You’re going to see me have some good days and some days that are not so good.”

Despite her current condition, Wexton is determined to stay in office, as she expressed, “I hope to keep serving you for many years to come.”

She clarified that her disease has not led to any cognitive impairment, but rather it affects her speech and balance, saying, “It has primarily affected my speech and how my mouth moves. It has also affected how I walk and keep my balance.”

Wexton is among several Democratic lawmakers who have faced health-related challenges while serving in Congress. In May, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman suffered a stroke and was scrutinized during his campaign by conservatives, who questioned his cognitive abilities. Earlier in February, Dianne Feinstein, a California senator, announced she would not run for another term in 2024 after being accused of memory loss and cognitive impairment by her fellow lawmakers.

Read More From Original Article Here: Dem Rep Says She Has Parkinson’s, Will Stay in Office

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