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VP Harris Visits Tennessee to Push Gun Control, Not to Meet With Victims of Shooting

Kamala Harris is unquestionably the most incompetent, tone-deaf legislator of the modern era. She makes Hillary Clinton appears like a likeable and powerful person because she is so awful.

On Friday, as Harris took off for Nashville to attend the” Tennessee Three” and advocate for gun control, that fact was on full screen. The horrible mass taking by a trans militant that sparked the original chain of events was initially all but ignored by the Biden administration before that decision was made. No one in the organization has even acknowledged that the murderer intentionally targeted Christians in an egregious hate crime up to this point.

In light of this, it was also clear that Harris would not travel to Nashville until it became socially advantageous to do so. This school shooting was mostly disregarded and obfuscated, despite the fact that management officials, including Joe Biden himself, had formerly visited the shooting sites. Harris, however, decided it was time to get boots on the ground as soon as three Democrats staged an uprising at the Tennessee congress.

There was no doubt as to the vice president’s’s top priorities for traveling. Her own professionals boasted of them.

Imagine being one of the families who lost a child in the shooting in Nashville and being ignored for almost two weeks before the vice president suddenly appeared to express his support for the spoiled, fame-seeking lawmakers who shut down the government. Harris wasn’t moved by three dead children( and a total of six deaths ), but meeting with paramilitaries was.

I can’t say for sure if the vice president met with any of the spouses after arriving in Nashville, but no one is bringing it up. Given how much the management has boasted about like contacts in the past, that would seem doubtful. Harris undoubtedly did, however, pull out her” preacher” voice to yell about the” real” victims.

The picture over serves as an example of how likeable she is, which is about as much as a quick kick in the face. She has the courage to go to what I assume to be a temple( given the context tissue ) and shout and growl about silencing men while doing so while standing on the bodies of dead sons. She didn’t show any concern for dead children until some Democrats were kicked out of the city’s’s government, if I may add that.

Because politics can be overblown, I occasionally hesitate to use the word, but I find that to be realistically evil. This woman posted” Trans Day of Visilbity” the same week that a transgender activist killed sons for political purposes. Despite the fact that the work is obviously a hate crime, Harris has chosen not to label it as such. Alternatively, she and the administration came to the conclusion that the” transgender community” was under assault because a trans woman was responsible for the alleged mass shooting.

There is only one conclusion that can be drawn: These people don’t give a damn about you. They only give a damn about what will benefit them socially. Even so, it’s’s shocking to see how far they’ve’ve gone on that front, blatantly ignoring the intentional killing of children in favor of pity for rebels. It’s’s a disgusting, horrifying spectacle.

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