Daily Feed 4/6/23

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:56 PM – Thursday, April 6, 2023

On today’s Daily Feed with Tom McGrath, the blame game continues in the Biden Administration, with Trump being used as a scapegoat for the Afghanistan withdrawal. In other news, Canada may fine citizens up to $25,000 for protesting drag shows for children. A video segment accompanies this commentary.

Tom Haviland, a freelance data analyst, weighs in on the recent discovery of a new, potentially dangerous type of blood clot not previously documented before 2021.

Bruce LeVell, a Trump appointee and advisor, discusses the political war being waged against the 45th President by left-wing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

According to pollster Jim Mclaughlin, many voters feel that the justice system has been unfairly weaponized against President Trump.

The Biden Administration continues to blame Trump for the Afghanistan Withdrawal, perpetuating their usual scapegoating. Also, Canada has proposed imposing a $25,000 fine for protesting drag shows for children.

In other news, the United States, South Korea, and Japan have expressed concern over North Korea’s “malicious” behavior. In China, Douyin and Tencent plan to explore the promotion of short-form video content, while Australian businesses have criticized Australia’s ban on the app TikTok from federal government-owned devices. Tesla has announced plans to expand its use of iron-based batteries, a cheaper alternative.

Read More From Original Article Here: Daily Feed 4/6/23

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