the federalist

ProPublica Exposes Clarence Thomas: He Has A Rich Friend!

ProPublica has published a report on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, revealing that he has a friend named Harlan Crow, a GOP donor who invites Thomas and his wife to “luxury” vacations at his “private resort,” a “sprawling ranch,” an “all-male retreat,” and on his “superyacht.” While the adjectives describe it as upscale, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing or conflict of interest in the legal sense.

The report also claims that there is evidence of Thomas taking trips on the superyacht, and wearing custom polo shirts given by Crow commemorating their vacations. However, the report offers no conflict of interest or any evidence of judicial impropriety.

While the report on Clarence Thomas’ vacations is legal, it seems to be related to Thomas’ opposition to the media and elite opinion, his legal beliefs, and his position on the far-right.

ProPublica has failed to provide any instance of conflict of interest, bribery, or legal impropriety. That, however, hasn’t stopped others on the internet from insinuating otherwise.

In the end, the report on Justice Clarence Thomas is a non-story that seems to dress up insignificant details in “neutral-sounding reporting verbiage and lots of graphs and pictures that seem important.” The article is just another attempt in the decades-long smear campaign against Thomas and may only worsen if left unchecked.

Read More From Original Article Here: ProPublica Exposes Clarence Thomas: He Has A Rich Friend!

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