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Swiss Billionaire Bankrolls Biden Agenda With $63 Million in Dark Money

A Swiss billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss is allegedly using various non-profit organizations as a front to bypass the ban on foreign donations to political candidates and committees. Wyss has donated $72 million in 2021 to the Berger Action Fund, which then forwards the funds to undisclosed non-profits that don’t have to disclose their donors or expenditures. By doing so, Wyss can avoid the restrictions on foreign political funding.

Wyss founded the fund in 2007, which has provided $339 million to left-leaning groups since 2016, supposedly for “issue advocacy” such as environmental concerns, and not directly related to partisan interests. However, various groups that received funding from Wyss have openly expressed their support for Biden and Democrats, which raises questions about Wyss’s real motives.

In 2021 alone, $62.7 million of Wyss’s donated money went to two pro-Biden groups. Meanwhile, Wyss has donated $245 million to the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, two organizations that play a crucial role in Democratic politics, with shared founder, address, and management details. These findings have caught the attention of Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of Americans for Public Trust, who has demanded that Wyss’s giving be scrutinized.

“Tens of millions have been spent promoting President Biden’s radical agenda and propping up liberal candidates,” Sutherland said. “And now we know who financed the bulk of it: foreign national Hansjörg Wyss. Year after year, Mr. Wyss, who is prohibited from giving to candidates directly, routes his money through the Arabella Advisors network to influence American politics and policy.”

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