Washington Examiner

George Mason University’s choice of Glenn Youngkin for commencement speaker receives backlash

George Mason Universityannounced Thursday that Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin will be the commencement speaker for the graduating class of 2023 in EagleBank Arena on May 18.

Change was started by Senior Alaina Ruffin. prayer to oppose and respond to Youngkin’s statement on org.


In her complaint, Ruffin stated that” I and my peers do not want the memory of our graduating day to be tainted by a person who has harmed and continues to harm the people he serves.”

In her petition, she continued, calling the Republican governor’s selection” harmful” and” rude to the numerous students who constantly shape GMU to bring in someone who has already neglected Virginian needs.”

According to Ruffin,” Selecting a speaker who has passed anti-trans policy, supported the repeal of racial equity programme, and restricted the distribution of literature in public schools is an intentional goal towards historically marginalized communities comprising Mason.”

Youngkin’s choice was rejected by the progressive organizations Black, African – Heritage, and Caribbean Coalition( BLACC Mason ).

BLACC MASON wrote on Instagram,” It is our responsibility as members of this place to stand up against bigotry and intolerance.” ” We must demand that Youngkin be removed from his position as commencement speech by our leadership.” We may permit someone who constantly encourages prejudice and hatred to have a platform at our university.

” In Discontentment, Outraged Students of George Mason University” was the caption they used to end their Instagram statement.

The student government of GMU issued a press release on Friday stating that it is” deeply saddened and bothered” about the university’s choice of commencement speaker.

” Policy targeting transgender youth, racial and ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ + people have been supported and developed by the Youngkin administration.” The current motto of George Mason University is” fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ,” but the student body officials wrote that the Youngkin administration’s activities show their commitment to the same. It is not only a betrayal of every minority group on campus to sponsor Glenn Youngkin at our give beginning, but it also amplifies their dishonesty and deceit coming from Mason’s leadership itself.


There are 5, 278 signatures on the request.

As a current Virginia government, Youngkin is typically invited to George Mason commencements. Jim Gilmore, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Terry McAuliffe are among the former rulers who spoke at GMU’s initiation.

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