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War-Weary: Calls Mount to Scale Down US Role in Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The total amount of US assistance to Kyiv since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 24, 2022 has reached dizzying heights.

Divided between military, economic, humanitarian, and other forms of aid, precise breakdowns can be difficult–especially for the layman–to make sense of.

Official sources claim that the U.S. has contributed $113 billion to the Ukrainian war effort, far more than contributions from Kyiv’s other allies.

However, as the bills continue to mount there has been a call for greater oversight of how those funds have been spent. Recent corruption scandals in Kyiv raise concerns that U.S. taxpayer funds are being wasted because there is no accountability.

What’s more, dissident voices are pointing out that the war shows little–if any–sign of ending soon, despite the West’s seemingly boundless support for Ukraine.

The U.S. military aid to Ukraine is being unloaded from a plane at Boryspil International Airport, Kyiv, Ukraine on February 13, 2022. (Serhiy Takhmazov/Reuters)

How to Break It Down

The Epoch Times asked The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Washington (CRFB), which confirmed that $113 billion was the correct figure. “still accurate.”

It explained that this figure was “includes only the funding packages Congress approved through December 2022, and Congress has not approved any further packages in 2023 thus far.”

According to CRFB data, approximately three-fifths ($67 billion) of the $113 billion have been allocated. “defense needs,” The remaining two-fifths ($46billion) have been set aside for other purposes. “non-defense concerns.”

It can be confusing to see more detailed breakdowns, as there are many official and semi-official sources (state agency, think tanks media outlets etc.). Sometimes, they appear to contradict one other.

“The confusion tends to be in how money is appropriated and spent by the government,” The CRFB, a nonpartisan organization with the stated aim to “educating the public on issues with significant fiscal policy impact.”

According to the group, Congress was created. “has constitutional authority to decide how much federal spending there should be–the “Power of the purse”–while the Executive Branch (the president and other agencies) are charged with spending that money.”

“Depending on when you account for that spending will get you different amounts,” The CRFB was also added. “because it takes the Executive time to actually spend the money Congress appropriates.”

As Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (R), and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, (L), speak to reporters following their return from their trip to Kyiv (Ukraine) and meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukraine President), in Poland, near the Ukraine border, April 25, 2022. (Alex Brandon/Pool/AFP via Getty Images).

Complex Channels

It is common for disbursements to be made through complex bureaucratic channels that often involve multiple agencies.

In the case of military aid, for instance, these channels include–but aren’t limited to–Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), and Foreign Military Financing (FMF).

According to the CRFB, the PDA lets the president send U.S. weapons straight to Ukraine, while the USAI lets the government–in tandem with the private sector–provide equipment and training to Ukraine’s military.

The FMF allows the government to replenish NATO allies’ stockpiles that have provided their military hardware to Ukraine.

Non-military forms of assistance–including economic, humanitarian, and government aid–are funneled to Ukraine through similarly complex channels.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided $13 billion to Kyiv since the conflict started. “direct budget support.”

A USAID report on the one-year anniversary Russian invasion claims that these funds were meant to assist Kyiv in paying for its needs. “basic public services,” These include education and healthcare.

They also help Ukraine to maintain its independence “a well-functioning state with strong institutions free of corruption” And “a vibrant, inclusive economy, a free press, and robust civil society.”

Workers load a shipment of military assistance that was part of U.S. security assistance for Ukraine at Boryspil Airport, Kyiv on January 25, 2022. (Efrem Lukatsky/file/AP Photo)

Mounting Concerns

These noble goals may seem admirable, but recent corruption scandals in Kyiv raises questions about whether U.S. funds are being spent as intended.

Two days prior to USAID publishing its report, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability sent an incredibly written letter to the heads at USAID, State Department and Defense Department.

James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, addressed the February 22 letter to the committee and asked the heads of three federal agencies to make sure that Ukraine funds are being used. “for their intended purposes” To prevent “waste, fraud, and abuse.”

In the letter, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesperson (NSC) made a Jan. 25 statement in which he claimed that the NSC had failed to meet its obligations. “not seen any signs” The U.S. had provided budgetary support to Kyiv “fallen prey to any kind of corruption.”

Kirby’s statement, as the letter continues to note, was made one day after high-ranking Ukrainian officials were dismissed amid corruption allegations.

According to the letter Kirby’s observation suggested that the NSC might be “unaware” So, the corruption scandal in Kyiv “heightening concerns that U.S. agencies are not conducting oversight of taxpayer assistance to Ukraine.”

The three agencies were handed over until Mar. 8 to give a wide variety of “documents and information” Referring to their origins “conducting oversight of these funds.”

Comer received a two-day notice from the Bureau of Legislative Affairs of the State Department confirming their commitment to the deadline. “working closely” With his committee, to ensure that the funding was being utilized “effectively, efficiently, and for its intended purpose.”

The agencies replied in writing that they would hold an “interagency briefing” Members of the Oversight Committee “to address your questions and to provide requested information.”

At the time of writing, however a date has not been set. “interagency meeting” Nevertheless, it has not been made public.

After talks with President of the European Commission in Kyiv, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian President speaks at a press conference. (Sergei Supinsky/AFP via Getty Images)

Scandal in Kyiv

The western press was not afraid to report on the corruption that plagued the Kyiv government before Russia invaded. The Guardian in Britain famously described Ukraine in 2015 as “a country of corruption.” “the most corrupt nation in Europe.”

After Russia invaded Ukraine, however, the media changed its tune abruptly, portraying Kyiv only in glowing terms.

According to the mainstream narrative, Ukraine and its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, were defending the West and its democratic ideals–almost single-handedly–from the depredations of “Russian autocracy.”

Zelenskyy is a former comedian and TV actor. He pledged to end corruption in government and won the presidency for 2019.

Time magazine celebrated Zelenskyy–and the amorphous “Spirit of Ukraine”–as its “person of the year” 2022 All criticisms of Kyiv and its TV-friendly wartime President were branded Russian by mainstream media pundits “disinformation.”

This aura of infallibility, however, took a major hit on Jan. 24, when a raft of top Ukrainian officials abruptly resigned–or were sacked–amid corruption allegations.

After allegations that he procured rations to troops at exorbitant prices, the deputy defense minister was forced to resign. Meanwhile, a deputy minister of infrastructure was charged with receiving kickbacks for generators sold at high prices.

Similar allegations were made against several other high-ranking officers, including regional governors, and an assistant attorney General.

“Internal problems that interfere with the state are being cleaned up,” Zelenskyy spoke at the time. “It is necessary for our protection and helps our rapprochement with European institutions.”

U.S. Military Weapons and Other Military Hardware delivered at Boryspil Airport in Kyiv (Ukraine) on January 25, 2022. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

‘Black Hole’

The NSC responded to the dismissals with praises for Zelenskyy’s performance “quick action … to ensure effective monitoring and accountability of public procurement and to hold those in positions of public trust to account.”

Zelenskyy’s critics included high-profile Russian officials.

The scandal was first reported by Ramzan Kadyrov of Chech, a close ally to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He described the flow of western aid to Ukraine in a few words: “money-laundering scheme.”

Telegram messenger app: He made the claim that “no more than 15 percent of the entire [western] aid will reach the trenches.”

Kadyrov, it is obvious, is not an impartial source. But similar claims have been heard intermittently–in the western media–since the very first months of the conflict.

CNN, whose pro -Kyiv bona fides cannot be doubted, cited an anonymous intelligence source who claimed that U.S. weapons fell last April “into a big black hole” After crossing the Ukrainian frontier.

CBS News aired an August documentary entitled “The Secret Life of the American Dream”. “Arming Ukraine,” Interviews with Jonas Ohman (head of a pro-Kyiv group) were featured in this issue “NGO” It funnels Western arms and equipment into Ukraine.

Ohman claims only 30 percent of these weapons and equipment are actually in use. “reaches its final destination.” Later, he attributes the alleged shortfall in revenue to interference from local officials “powerlords, oligarchs, and political players.”

Ohman asserts that his organization was bringing arms into Ukraine. “since the summer of 2014.”

Despite the documentary’s overtly pro-Ukraine stance, it was swiftly retracted by CBS–two days after it aired–following an outcry by Kyiv.

Dmytro Kuleba was accused by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister of having insulted the broadcaster. “misled a huge audience by sharing unsubstantiated claims and damaging trust in supplies of vital military aid to a nation resisting aggression and genocide.”

Kuleba spoke via Twitter to address the demand “an internal investigation into who enabled this [documentary] and why.”

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukrainian Foreign Minister, at NATO headquarters in Brussels on April 7, 2022. (Evelyn Hockstein/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

‘Long History’ of Corruption

Despite Kyiv’s protestations however, such claims have been made before.

The Kremlin repeatedly warned that western weapons bound for Ukraine would end up in terrorist gangs or criminal gangs. Jurgen Stock, Interpol’s secretary-general, issued a similar warning last June.

The House Armed Services Committee heard from Robert Storch, Pentagon Inspector General. He was asked about his concerns that U.S. weaponry could be falling into the wrong hand at a Feb. 28 hearing.

Storch for his part stated that his office did not find any evidence to support this claim, but that they were still investigating.

He said that his office would be available for any inquiries. “continue to make independent oversight of assistance to Ukraine a matter of the highest priority.”

“And we will continue to keep the Congress and the public informed about our work,” He added.

Storch, however, conceded to Congressman Matt Gaetz (R. Fla.), who was a vocal critic for unfettered Kyiv aid. “There’s a long history of issues with corruption in Ukraine.”

Not only are there concerns regarding possible diversions of western arms or equipment bound for Ukraine, but so have the United States.

The Ottawa Citizen, citing July 2022 “multiple defense sources,” Canada is reported to be the most populous country “has no idea about the whereabouts of the equipment it has provided to Ukraine as it does not actively monitor the distribution of gear.”

On March 8, 2023, volunteer soldiers will fire at Russian positions near Bakhmut, Donetsk, Ukraine. (Libkos/AP Photo)

The Ground Facts

The United States has supplied Ukraine with an extensive array of offensive equipment since Russia’s invasion last year. These include tanks, armored cars, artillery system, and munitions in all sizes and shapes.

Despite claims by western media to the contrary, there is little evidence that Ukraine is winning.

Most people hailed last year’s Ukrainian counteroffensives in Kharkov & Kherson as victories.

Since then, however, Russian forces have shored up their positions–especially in the eastern Donbas region, which remains the primary focus of its “special military operation.”

In recent weeks, Russian forces have captured several Donetsk positions, including Bakhmut, a strategic Ukrainian transport hub.

Russia effectively annexed Donetsk & Luhansk (which together form Donbas) last September. All four regions are now considered Russian Federation territory.

Last year’s annexations were accompanied by the mobilization 300,000 additional troops. Many of them will likely be part of an anticipated springtime offensive.

While the main media focuses on Russian battlefield victories, a few voices, including well-respected military experts, are voicing serious concerns about the course of conflict.

Douglas Macgregor, a retired army colonel, advised Donald Trump’s secretary of defense in November 2017. “heavy” Ukrainian casualties “dangerously” It has weakened Kyiv’s combat abilities.

Macgregor stated these words in The American Conservative magazine. “Contrary to the western media’s popular ‘Ukrainian victory’ narrative, which blocks any information that contradicts it, Ukraine is not winning and will not win this war.”

On March 9, 2023, the Ukrainian T-64 tank rolls along a muddy path from Chasiv Yar (Donetsk region) to Bakhmut, Ukraine. (Sergey Shestak/AFP via Getty Images).

‘As Long as It Takes’

However, the prospects of a diplomatic solution seem more remote than ever.

Sergey Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister) stated on March 10 that Moscow saw. “no chance for holding talks at the moment.”

Six days later U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken shared these sentiments. “I see no evidence that, right now, Russia is interested in a diplomatic resolution … that would end this war,” He stated.

It begs the question: What is the United States’ willingness to continue to give money and arms to Ukraine in the absence of a military or diplomatic solution?

According to most U.S. officials–and their like-minded counterparts in Europe–the answer is obvious: “For as long as it takes.”

“We are committed to standing with Ukraine for as long as it takes,” At a March 13 press conference, Ned Price, spokesperson for the State Department, reiterated his views. “We are committed to our Ukrainian partners.”

Price responded to The Epoch Times’ question and added: “It’s important for the United States to be resolute, along with the dozens of countries around the world who have not only stood with Ukraine but endorsed the UN system, the UN Charter, international law, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights.”

Antony Blinken (U.S. Secretary) speaks during a Security Council meeting on the war in Ukraine, held at United Nations headquarters in New York City on Feb. 24, 2023. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Ukraine Fatigue

However, as the cost of funding and arming Ukraine keeps rising, other government officials aren’t ready to wait.

On Feb. 10, a handful of Republican lawmakers, led by Florida’s Gaetz, unveiled a bill in Congress calling for an end to U.S. assistance–military and financial–to Kyiv.

The 11 bill’s supporters sought to justify it by pointing out the steadily rising cost to taxpayers and the risk of escalation against a nuclear-armed Russia.

The resolution has been dubbed “The” “Ukraine Fatigue” Bill, which calls on all parties in conflict to reach a peaceful solution.

“We must suspend all foreign aid for the war in Ukraine and demand that all combatants in this conflict reach a peace agreement immediately,” Gaetz made the statement in a news release.

The United States claimed that it was in a period “managed decline,” The fiery congressman warned that Washington would continue to deteriorate. “hemorrhage taxpayer dollars” You prolong the war.

The bill’s text includes a long list U.S. military donations to Ukraine. It asserts that they have “severely depleted U.S. stockpiles, weakening U.S. readiness in the event of conflict.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., walks to a closed-door GOP meeting at the U.S. Capitol in Washington Jan. 10, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

‘On the Precipice’

The bill has little chance of being adopted and its sponsors still represent a minority opinion–even among fellow Republicans. It does however reflect growing public opposition to the unending support for Ukraine.

Days after the bill was introduced, a poll conducted by the Associated Press found that public support for U.S. assistance to Kyiv had fallen–from 60 to 48 percent–since the opening months of the conflict.

After Russian warplanes shot down a U.S.-controlled drone in the Russian-controlled Crimean Peninsula on March 14, Gaetz reaffirmed his call for help “end our involvement in this conflict.”

“With today’s loss of a U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Black Sea, we are once again reminded of the treacherous reality of our involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war,” He stated it via Twitter.

“It is impossible to ignore the dire risk of total war with Russia as we teeter on the precipice of direct conflict.”


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