Washington Examiner

Ohio abortion rights amendment advances after ballot language approved

A Proposed ballot initiative that would guarantee the right to abortion in the United States Ohio After the Ohio Ballot Board approved suggested language, Constitution is now one step closer to being presented to voters in November.

The five-member board unanimously certify that the proposed amendment does not address a constitutional issue. This allows for the creation of a new Constitutional Amendment. Abortion Rights groups will gather signatures in order to place it on November Vote . Ohio law prohibits amendments that concern more than one topic.


“This grassroots initiative, by and for the people of Ohio, will create commonsense guarantees for Ohioans’ freedom to make decisions about their own reproductive healthcare, including abortion,” Kellie Copeland, Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom.

The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety is supported by a coalition of pro-abortion rights groups including Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio and American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio. The amendment Would Put in the Ohio Constitution “every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care and abortion.”

For the amendment to be eligible for the ballot, it will need more than 400,000 valid signatures before July.

Opponents of abortion argue that the amendment is too extreme and would allow abortions at any stage of pregnancy. This argument has been denied by abortion rights advocates.

“Regardless of what your views are on abortion, everyone should be concerned about this radical ballot measure that eliminates basic health care regulations and contains no protections for women’s safety,” Sue Liebel, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s Director of State Affairs, said in a statement.


Ohio legalizes abortions until 22 weeks. While its constitutionality has yet to be determined, a law prohibiting abortions after six week is currently being blocked in the courts. The proposed amendment to abortion could be on the ballot and determine access to abortion in the state if it is approved.

In several states, ballot measures regarding abortion rights did well in the last year’s elections. Michigan voters approved an identical amendment to their state constitution to guarantee the right to abortion.

“Read more from After approval of the ballot language, Ohio’s abortion rights amendment is now in motion

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