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Pope Francis at 10 years: Five most noteworthy moments of his papacy

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Pope Francis cMonday was the 10th anniversary since his election as pope. This marked a decade filled with controversial statements, historic visits and changes to the day to-day operations. Catholic Church

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a native of Argentina, was elected pope March 13, 2013 by the College of Cardinals after the resignation of his predecessor. Benedict XVI. Francis has since made many statements that indicate a more accepting attitude towards homosexuality. He also urged peace among nations, responded to ongoing scandals of clergy sexual abuse, and modified documents of the Catholic Church on the death penalty, as well as the Mass.


These five moments are some of the most notable from Francis’s 10-year reign at the head of Catholic Church.

“Who am I to judge?”

Francis, shortly after his election, made headlines when he commented on homosexual clergy during a flight to Rome from Brazil. This was just a few days after he had presided at World Youth Day, a triennial event which draws young Catholics around the globe.

“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis spoke to a reporter about his views on homosexual men within the ranks of the Catholic clergy.

Catholic Church has held since the beginning that homosexual acts are grave sins. “intrinsically disordered” People who feel sexual attraction towards others of the same sex should be called to live chastely.

2015 Apostolic Visit to the United States

Francis, as pope has kept a strict travel schedule. He has visited 60 countries in the past ten years. Francis visited America in 2015 to preside over the first American canonization. This was the first time that a new saint had been declared on U.S. soil. During Mass at the Catholic University of America, Junipero Serra (18-century Spanish missionary), was declared a saint by the pope.

The pope addressed a joint session of Congress 114th, a first for a pontiff, met with President Barack Obama at the White House and celebrated Mass in front of thousands of American Catholics walking the streets of Philadelphia to mark the World Meeting of Families, another triennial Catholic celebration.

Pope Francis and President Obama at the play of the national anthems in a state ceremony for Pope Francis on Wednesday, the South Lawn, White House. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Blessed an empty St. Peter’s Square

Francis gave a special address on March 27, 2020. “Urbi et Orbi” blessing, “to the city and the world” After the COVID-19 pandemic. The blessing is usually done only at Christmas and Easter, or when a new pope has been elected.

The pope holding up a gold monstrance in a vacant St. Peter’s Square in Vatican, while rain pours down on the Eternal City, has been a memorable moment of Francis’s pontificate. It is also remembrance of the lockdowns that were enforced during the pandemic.

Pope Francis holds a monstrance while praying at the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica entrance, Friday, March 27, 2020. Pope Francis prays in a desolately empty St. Peter’s Square. “all of us fragile and disoriented” mutual support and comfort. While the majority of people will experience mild to moderate symptoms, some people, particularly older people and those with pre-existing health conditions, may be more severely ill or even die from the coronavirus. (Yara Nardi/Pool Photo via AP)
Yara Nardi/AP

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