the federalist

Media Slander GOP States As ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ For Rejecting Voter Database That Compels Pro-Democrat Outreach

After Florida, Missouri and West Virginia Last week, announced They announced that they would be withdrawing their membership from the Electronic Registration Information Center. This leftist-controlled group fuels partisan voter outreach. Democrats and their allies at the corporate media have been quick in labeling such states’ concerns as conspiracies.

As mentioned previously reported ERIC, according to The Federalist is described as a voter rolls maintenance organization consisting of more than 30 states and the District of Columbia. The ERIC was founded by left-leaning partisans with the goal of helping states clean out their voter rolls. However, good government experts claim that it is not true. VerityVoteERIC does more than just clean up state voter rolls. Under the ERIC membership agreement, states are required to send voter registration mailers to unregistered but likely — and usually Democratic-leaning — voters.

Alabama and Louisiana were the two first states to withdraw from the program. Florida, Missouri, West Virginia, and West Virginia are now following the lead of ERIC. They failed to address their concerns At a February board meeting, you can propose changes and vote for them.

The New York Times, Associated Press and other corporate media ignore these concerns and call them conspiracists. They even have headlines like:G.O.P. G.O.P.“, “Election conspiracies fuel dispute over voter fraud system.” If the Republican secretaries of state involved — Cord Byrd, Jay Ashcroft, and Mac Warner — actually care Both outlets ask rhetorically about election integrity: Why are they refusing to acknowledge the system that guarantees it?

“Their leaving directly harms the security and integrity of their own state voter rolls and their ability to keep them up to date and accurate,” Jocelyn Benson is the Secretary of State of Michigan to the Associated Press. She’s being sued currently Refusing to exhume nearly 26,000 bodies From her state’s voter rolls. In addition, the 2022 auditor-general report concluded that Benson was in her state. It was unable to adequately clean its voter lists. Since 2019, Michigan is an ERIC member.

The AP article also includes Gabriel Sterling, chief operating officers for the Georgia Secretary Of State’s Office, who called member states criticism of ERIC “member-state criticism.” “a tempest in a teacup.” Sterling in the aftermath the 2020 election Characterized There have been documented cases of illegal voting “everyday Georgians who are just trying to exercise their right to vote in a very weird year.”

Not every ERIC fan will stay true to their cause. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose — who described ERIC a month ago as “one of the best fraud-fighting tools that we have” — is now changing his tune. LaRose sent this after news broke that West Virginia, Missouri and Florida were cutting ties. Letter Demand that ERIC’s board comply with his proposals for reforms during its next meeting on March 17.

“I will not accept the status quo as an outcome of the next meeting,” LaRose wrote. “Anything short of the reforms mentioned above will result in action up to an[d] including our withdrawal from membership.”

LaRose’s proposals for reforms include “ex-officio membership positions” ERIC’s Bylaws are designed to reduce left-wing activists David Becker Its board also decided to stop requiring states to mail voter registration mailers to residents who are not registered. LaRose suggested that states should have the ability to access ERIC’s data sharing services. “in the manner which they believe best serves their local interests.”

Alaska Texas ERIC is considering two additional member states. Carol Beecher, Alaska Division of Elections Director told the Anchorage News that her state is considering leaving ERIC because of the excessive membership fee.

“It’s expensive and we are a small state, so to the degree that it has a value monetarily based on our smaller population in the cleaning it does — are there ways that we could do it better ourselves?” Beecher asked.

Victoria Marshall is a staff writer for The Federalist. Her writing has appeared in The Federalist, National Review, Townhall, and the New York Post. Hillsdale College graduated her in May 2021, with a double major in journalism and politics. Follow her Twitter @vemrshll.

“From Media Slander GOP States As ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ For Rejecting Voter Database That Compels Pro-Democrat Outreach

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