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Top Republican Reacts To Marine’s Testimony On Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘Very Devastating’ To Admin

Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (Republican from Texas), stated on Sunday that testimony by a U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant regarding President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was provided. “devastating and damaging to the administration.”

McCaul made these remarks in an interview with CBS News. “Face The Nation” Responding to testimony last week by Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews was a Marine sniper who served during the withdrawal.

“Well first of all, very powerful testimony, very emotional, but very devastating and damaging to the administration,” McCaul replied to Margaret Brennan when she asked him. “These snipers and troops were put at [Hamid Karzai International Airport], surrounded by the Taliban … who were put in charge, and that was the first mistake in the chaos that we heard that happened that day, and the State Department [was] virtually non-existent.”

“I think the most dramatic thing was the fact that this sniper had the suicide bomber in his sights, and an intelligence bulletin went out, you know, describing him,” He continued. “He said this meets the description, meets with the team, psychological operations, get together, they run this up the chain of command, and the commanding officer says, ‘I don’t have the authority.’ And then they said, ‘who does have the authority for permission to engage?’ And the commanding officer says, ‘I don’t know.’ And he never got back to them.”

“The point is, they could have taken out this threat,” He stated. “That then when the suicide bomber went off, not only did Marine Sgt. Vargas-Andrews have his leg blown off and his arm, but we had 140 Afghans killed, 13 servicemen and women killed. I talked to the mother of one of the marine sergeants, I gave her just a hug. She was so devastated. In addition to 50 injured, including Marine Sgt. Vargas-Andrews, and it could have been avoided.”



MARGARET BRENNAN : We are pleased to welcome you back to Face The Nation. We would like to now return to our conversation about House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul. Chairman, I was referring to the hearing you held on Afghanistan last week. It was very emotional. You are really looking at the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. A Marine Corps Sergeant who was injured in the suicide attack testified that he was an eyewitness and saw the suicide bomber prior to the attack. He said he had never been interviewed by the US. This is how it gets overlooked.

REP. MICHEAL McCAUL (R-TX),: I think it’s very, very first of all. It’s very powerful testimony. It is also very emotional. However, it can be very devastating and destructive to the administration. These- these snipers and troops were put at HKIA, surrounded by the Taliban–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Kabul’s airport

REP. MCCCAUL: They brought the Taliban to Kabul. This is HKIA airport. The Taliban were in control, and that was the first mistake that we heard about in the chaos. The State Department was virtually non-existent. The most significant thing, MARGARET, was that this sniper had a suicide bomber in sight, and an intelligence bulletin sent out, you may recall, describing him. He stated that this fits the description. The team meets, psyops-psychological operations get together. Finally, the commanding officer states, “I don’t have the authority.” They then asked who has the authority to grant permission to engage. The commanding officer said, “I don’t know.” They never heard from him again. They could have eliminated this threat, but that’s not the point. Marine Sgt. Vargas-Andrews had his leg and arm blown off, and we also lost 140 Afghans and 13 servicemen. I spoke to the mother of one marine sergeant and gave her a hug. She was devastated. Additional 50 were also hurt, including Marine Sergeant. Vargas-Andrews and could have been avoided.

MARGARET BRENNAN According to the State Department, they have briefed Congress over 150 times since the withdrawal. What information do we need that we don’t already have?

REP. McCAUL: This is the first time we’ve heard such compelling testimony from a sniper. MARGARET, it’s the first time we have had an open hearing about Afghanistan since the fall. I will continue with this investigation. I also want to know the thoughts of the commanding officer when he refused permission to remove the threat. How did that happen? These are very important questions. The State Department has not responded to our requests for documents. I met with Secretary. The conversation was very friendly. Cooperation is key. They won’t cooperate if he doesn’t respond to my document production request before March 23, when he testifies.

MARGARET BRENNAN – And issue a subpoena requesting Antony Blinken, to appear before your committee. What do you think he is withholding? What is the document?

REP. McCAUL: He is-he-he will testify. But we have an outstanding document production order, which the lawyers are very combative about. I think that the Secretary told me in good faith that he wanted to cooperate with the investigation and make it transparent for the American people. We are not seeing this with the lawyers on the ground. We need these documents, because much of this stuff, to your point MARTRET, has never been made public.

MARGARET BRENNAN : Is this the dissent cable you are specifically requesting? That is, the State Department employees disagree with the administration’s plan.

REP.MCCAUL: This is a dissent cable. It’s an extraordinary measure for 23 State Department members at the Embassy to oppose the policy. The after-action report from the ambassador was also included in the dissent cables. Also, the evacuation plan. This is just a basic evacuation plan. Was that your plan? Congress has yet to receive that plan. These are the three areas we desire to see compliance in.

“From Top Republican Reacts To Marine’s Testimony On Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘Very Devastating’ To Admin

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