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Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetoes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in K-12 Public Schools

Katie Hobbs, Democratic Governor of Arizona, vetoed this week a bill that would have banned schools from teaching the concept that judging someone on the basis their race or ethnicity or that certain races are inherently racist and oppressive.

Arizona lawmakers passed the state legislature last month Senate Bill SB1305This article outlined a list of topics that are not allowed in public K-12 schools in the state. Hobbs was interviewed on Thursday. vetoed The bill.

The language of the bill Interdiction “judging an individual on the basis of the individual’s race or ethnicity.” Further, the bill prohibited teaching

  • “That one race or ethnic group is inherently morally or intellectually superior to another race or ethnic group.”
  • “That an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or ethnicity, is inherently racist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
  • “That an individual should be invidiously discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of the individual’s race or ethnicity.”
  • “That an individual’s moral character is determined by the individual’s race or ethnicity.”
  • “That an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or ethnicity, bears responsibility or blame for actions committed by other members of the same race or ethnic group.”
  • “That academic achievement, meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or were created by members of a particular race or ethnic group to oppress members of another race or ethnic group.”

Republicans passed the bill on a party line vote in both Arizona’s state House and Senate. The legislation was not supported by Democrats.

“It is time to stop utilizing students and teachers in culture wars based on fearmongering and unfounded accusations,” Hobbs spoke as she vetoed bill on Thursday. “Bills like SB1305 only serve to divide and antagonize.

“Hobbs stated that she urged the Legislature to join me in addressing the real issues facing Arizona’s schools. Hobbs noted that underfunded classrooms, a growing teacher retention crisis, and school buildings in urgent need of repair and replacement are just some of the problems.

J.D., Republican state senator Mesnard who sponsored SB 1305, issued this statementpdfHobbs’s move was described as “a slap on the face.””

“”I am deeply disappointed by Governor Hobbs’ decision to endorse these discriminatory teachings that our children are being exposed too, by vetoing mine bill,” he stated.

In a press releasepdfBeverly Pingerelli (Republican state Rep.), stated that Hobbs’ veto sent a disturbing message to her that she was willing to allow Arizona schools to intentionally teach racially divisive curriculum.”

National Debate Over Racial Instruction In Classrooms

Other state legislatures have passed similar bills to SB1305 in recent years, prohibiting K-12 public schools from teaching certain racially-charged ideas. Florida’s Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (W.O.K.E.) Act (pdf), for example, includes language prohibiting teaching the moral inferiority or superiority of any one race, or that a person’s race or ethnic background makes them inherently racist or oppressive, or that they should be discriminated against on that basis.

However, proponents of a complaint (pdf) against DeSantis’ Stop W.O.K.E. Act said they believed the law would “It is difficult to meet the demands of systemic inequalities.” In the same document, they also defended Critical Race Theory as “Legal scholarship is a body of academic knowledge and a recognised theory that was created by legal scholars in order to challenge perpetuation of racial injustices in law and social institutions.”

Proponents of such bills have insisted they are not prohibiting instruction on past issues with racism and oppression in America. They believe that education on race in classrooms, however, is too often focused on specific ideological concepts about racism such as race-based “privilege,” or that certain demographics are inherently racist, or otherwise bear the responsibility to pay for the wrongdoings of bearers of their ethnicity. Mesnard said his bill “This makes it clear that real historical events such as Jim Crow and slavery are all perfectly acceptable topics for instruction.”

NTD News reached out to Hobb’s office for comment but did not receive a response by the time this article was published.

From NTD News 


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