Washington Examiner

FBI worked secretly with hospitals to strip US citizens’ gun rights, documents show

EXCLUSIVE — THe FBI Coordinated secretly with hospitals, medical centers, and other institutions to deprive U.S. citizens the right to purchase, use, or own property firearms According to internal documents at the Washington Examiner.

Without congressional approval and behind closed doors, the FBI has worked hand in hand Records show that over twenty-six people were stripped of gun rights by the Secret Service and U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Following this revelation By the Washington Examiner Newly obtained emails and documents from December 2022 shed light on the circumstances under which the Bureau received assistance from medical facilities in order to suspend gun rights for at least five persons.


“Any time you have evidence of private entities coordinating with federal agents to strip Americans of their rights, the public should be alarmed and demanding answers and action,” Aidan Johnston is the federal affairs director at Gun Owners of America. He represents a group that advocates for firearms rights. “This is just the latest terrifying new instance of the illegal NICS self-submission form being used in nefarious ways, and those who used it to violate the public’s trust must be held to account.”

The FBI provided forms to U.S. citizens in their homes, as well as other locations. These registrations were made with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (the FBI). Washington Examiner Previous reported . The FBI has used this form since 2011, according to new records.

The internal forms asked signatories to identify themselves as an individual. “danger” to others as well as themselves. “mental capacity adequately to contract” Their lives. First Amendment lawyers, members of Congress and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R–TN), House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R–OH), as well as Reps. Dan Bishop and Andrew Clyde, (R–NC),

“It really speaks to the rogue nature of the ‘Deep State’ mentality,” Ken Cuccinelli is an ex-officio. Department of Homeland Security Under the official Trump Administration and the ex-Virginia attorney general told The Washington Examiner.

New Documents shared With the Washington Examiner, which Americans are Gun Owners obtained The Freedom of Information Act allows you to see the details of how New Hampshire and Delaware used gun forms. Signatory records were also provided by the FBI. These forms date back to 2011, the year that the FBI declared it had stopped using them.

This document, which was dated 2011, dates FBI’s actions five years before has previously the incident was reported and shared with Oklahoma’s Northwest Center for Behavioral Health. This clinic provides mental health services. FBI redacted signatory’s names as in other forms.

According to documents, the form was completed in November 2011 and sent by the clinic to the FBI. An FBI agent also identified the medical professional who completed the form. He or she disclosed their license number. It is not clear why someone lost their rights to guns, as there are no records of investigation.

Screenshots/FBI Form for NICS/Northwest Center for Behavioural Health

One signatory completed a form in April 2017 following coordination between Rockford Center (a private mental healthcare group in Newark Delaware) and FBI. Signatory was identified as “a danger to himself or to others” However, he was not forced to undergo treatment and adjudicated as such. “mental defective,” These documents are.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a federal law. law While firearm ownership is not regulated, it does not make it illegal for a U.S. citizen to have guns. This outlines the possibilities that an individual could be banned from owning guns. “adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution.”

“These new revelations provide additional proof that the FBI has used deeply disturbing tactics to erode Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms,” Clyde assured the Washington Examiner. “Make no mistake — the FBI is weaponizing NICS forms to advance the Left’s dangerous agenda of dismantling our Second Amendment liberties and disarming our nation. Congress must thoroughly investigate this troubling matter and hold all unelected, anti-gun bureaucrats involved accountable for forcing Americans to relinquish their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”

New Hampshire Hospital was another center to coordinate with the FBI. which According to documents, the facility is state-sponsored and can provide inpatient services for psychiatric disorders.

A hospital sheet was completed in September 2019 detailing how the patient had signed an FBI form. Two-page sheet from the hospital, not listing the name of the patient, was sent to the FBI.

“The documents you reference are documents used to release medical records to another entity at a patient’s request,” Kathy Remillard is a spokesperson for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Washington Examiner. “The patient or guardian must request and approve the sharing of information for the hospital to send records to another entity. The Department does not take a position on the purpose of or reasoning behind the patient’s request.”

Screenshots/FBI forms/New Hampshire Hospital

Two other facilities were also involved in the coordination with FBI: the Holy Family Hospital (Massachusetts), which falls under the major network Steward Health Care. Stoneham Medical Group is Stoneham, Massachusetts.

Signatory February 2019, Holy Famil

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