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Elon Musk Rips Jan 6 Committee: ‘Misleading The Public … Withheld Evidence’

Elon Musk, Twitter’s CEO, attacked the January 6 Committee on the morning Tucker Carlson of Fox News began to release new footage that was never before seen by the public.

Musk replied to a tweet claiming that the committee had misled them about Brian Sicknick, Capitol Police Officer, death of Barry Loudermilk, Barry Loudermilk’s reconnaissance mission with rioters, Missouri GOP Senator Josh Hawley, Ray Epps, and Ray Epps, credible witnesses.

“Besides misleading the public, they withheld evidence for partisan political reasons that sent people to prison for far more serious crimes than they committed,” Musk tweets “That is deeply wrong, legally and morally.”

Musk responded via tweet to the statement that the BBC has run “3 separate negative Twitter stories on their online feed last two days. They are not covering the Jan 6 new evidence.”

“What say you, @BBCWorld? Your credibility is at stake,” Musk responded.

Mike Cernovich, pundit and commentator on the Carlson scandals, had his own reaction by posting a tweet. “What a day today was. From the SPLC doing propaganda for accused domestic terrorists to the Big Lie of the January 6th being exposed. Twitter is in a golden age of truth,” Musk simply tweeted, “Shocking indeed.”

Musk demonstrated that he doesn’t want to believe a story because it is from a known institution. After a Washington Post journalist referred to a leftist that had advocated violence as “someone”, Musk was forced to swallow the story. “documenting racist and far-right attackers,” Musk responded that the reporter wasn’t a “contemptible liar.”

Musk replied to Joseph Menn’s Post article regarding Chad Loder. “was banned from Twitter by an order from owner Elon Musk, according to a former employee …” Andy Ngo was the editor-at large of The Post Millennial and he attacked Menn for writing. “Why didn’t you mention in your WaPo reporting that Antifa member Chad Loder incited violence, including deadly violence? He also celebrated violent crimes when he praised Antifa ‘martyrs,’ including domestic terrorist Willem van Spronsen & gunman Michael Reinoehl.”

“Joseph Menn is a contemptible liar,” Musk tweets “Twitter policy has always been to suspend accounts that clearly & repeatedly incite violence.”

Musk was well-known for tweeting, “Take the red pill,” Mai 2020

Film “The Matrix,” Neo the hero is presented with a choice of taking a red pill or a blue pill. The latter would remove him from the nightmare-world that humanity has created and allow him to experience reality. According to conservatives, the taking of the “red pill” It is possible for an ex-liberal or leftist to adopt the conservative philosophy.

“From Elon Musk Rips Jan 6 Committee: ‘Misleading The Public … Withheld Evidence’

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