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Chicago Police Chief Resigns Following Ousting of Lori Lightfoot

The Chicago chief of police resigned after Lori Lightfoot failed to win a reelection bid.

“Today, Superintendent David O. Brown informed me that he was resigning from his position as Superintendent of Chicago Police Department effective March 16th. Lightfoot stated that he had accepted Brown’s resignation in a March 1 letter. Statement.

“I want him to be personally thanked for his service to our city. She said that Eric Carter would be acting as interim superintendent until the new Mayor is sworn in.

“We request the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability immediately to begin the search for a replacement for the Superintendent, so that the new Mayor can make a selection as quickly as possible.”

Lightfoot was defeated by Brandon Johnson (Cook County Commissioner) and Paul Vallas, ex-Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer), both Democrats.

Brown’s leadership at Chicago Police Department during a time of rising violent crime complicated the mayoral race. All eight Chicago mayoral candidates stated that they would fire Brown, if elected.

Brown will reach 63 in September. This is the Chicago Police Department’s mandatory retirement age. He was appointed the superintendent in April 2020. Brown accepted the title of chief operating officers at Texas personal injuries law firm Loncar Lyon Jenkins.

Replacing Brown

According to Data According to statistics from the Chicago Police Department, crime in the area increased from 46.183 in 2020 to 66.855 in 2022. This represents a 45 per cent increase in crime during Brown’s tenure.

While murder, aggravated battery, and burglary decreased during this period, criminal sexual assault rose 25%, robbery rose by 14%, and theft rose by 89%. Motor vehicle theft rose by 116 per cent.

Johnson and Vallas indicated that they would be happy to appoint the next Superintendent for the Chicago Police Department from within their department.

Johnson stated: “The next Chicago Police Department Superintendent must be as committed to the safety and health of all Chicagoans as me and to meeting all federal consent decree requirements immediately while addressing the root causes and consequences of crime.” Fox stated in a statement.

“As mayor, I prefer to appoint someone within the existing ranks of the Department. But, most importantly, it is important to appoint the right person for this job–someone who can collaborate, be competent, compassionate, and care about serving and protecting the citizens of our city.”

Brown’s tenure saw many top officers leave the department, making it harder to find qualified staff.

Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan has resigned, as well as Chief of Counterterrorism Ernest Cato. Anthony Riccio, first Deputy Superintendent, also resigned. Steve Georgas, Deputy Chief Special Functions, and Eric Winstrom, Area 5 Chief, also resigned.

Brown’s Tenure

Brown was appointed to this position one month before George Floyd’s death, which rocked America and triggered civil unrest. According to the Chicago Office of Inspector General the department was unprepared, disorganized. The department also didn’t have a plan to deal with unrest.

Brown’s two-year tenure was marred with stagnancy in police reforms.

Brown transferred hundreds upon hundreds of officers and detectives from the drug-gang and gang units into the patrol division. A number of officers were also moved away from their homes, which was criticised.

From Chicago Police Chief Resigns After Lori Lightfoot’s Ousting

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