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After Being Removed From Super Bowl Coverage, Michael Irvin and Attorneys Demand Marriott Release Super Bowl Surveillance Video

He has been a source of controversy throughout his Hall of Fame career with the Dallas Cowboys as well as since Michael Irvin. Or for that matter? Here and there, a few brushstrokes with the law.

Michael Irvin via NFL Films YouTube

Irvin has been arrested numerous times for drug possession charges, assault and other crimes. He was a volatile ex-University of Miami Hurricane who displayed an explosive temper. He displayed it quite often.

Everett McIver was stabbed in the neck by McIver’s teammate in a 1998 incident at Cowboys’ training center. The younger player refused to stand up from a chair and he used a pair scissors to stab McIver. McIver survived, but the wound could have been fatal.

Michael Irvin via NFL Films YouTube

Irvin’s rocky history includes numerous allegations of sexual misconduct dating back as far as his early days in the game.

A woman claimed that Erik Williams and Irvin assaulted her sexually in 1996. Authorities found that the allegations were false. Her accuser later changed her story. A woman accused Irvin of sexual battery in 2007 said that he had raped her in a Florida hotel. She filed a civil lawsuit in 2010 after she was unable to bring criminal charges.

Fort Lauderdale police conducted an investigation into Irvin, Florida’s accused of sexual assault, on March 22, 2017. Then, on July 24, the Broward County State Attorney’s Office announced they had closed the investigation and would not charge Irvin in the case.

Michael Irvin Photo Credit to Stephen Luke, CC-BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia commons

Now, flash forward to 2023. Irvin was alive and well before the Super Bowl. This was done Due to additional allegations, he was removed from his duties of commentator for NFL Network. It was an exchange at a Marriott Hotel between the Hall of Famer, and the accused. It is not clear what details they had regarding their interaction at the time and how they now interact.

Irvin instantly denied any wrongdoing, stating that his only interaction between the woman and him was a handshake.

“We shook hands. Then, I left. … That’s all I know,” Irvin explained. The Dallas Morning News The story broke.

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RELATED: NFL Network Removes Michael Irvin from Super Bowl Coverage after a Woman Complaint

Irvin has always maintained his innocence and is asking for surveillance footage to be released in order to prove it. He is now taking legal action against the woman as well as the hotel chain.

Irvin’s lawyers claimed that Irvin had the right to see the video. These accusations could have serious consequences for his public image and his ability to earn millions as an actor on television. They are trying to erase the name of the star.

“To this day… (Irvin) still does not know the who, what, when, or where of the allegations levied against him,” Levi McCathern, Irvin’s attorney, wrote Wednesday in his motion to obtain evidence.

Michael Irvin via NFL Films YouTube

It must have worked as Marriott hotels and the parent company are now unable to make a decision. Marriott was ordered by a federal judge to release the Michael Irvin security footage.

Friday was a turning point in the case when Judge Amos Mazzant III of the East District of Texas ruled that Marriott had until Tuesday at 5 p.m. to respond to the request. “any and all video recordings, written reports, and/or witness statements gathered that pertain to Michael Irvin’s stay at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel in February 2023.”

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This is not an order to produce video and other materials. Marriott has been given a deadline. The outcome of this matter is still unclear. This could lead to a prolonged standoff between the parties if no one decides to give up. In most legal situations such as these, it is essentially the ‘smoking gun,’ the evidence that will make or break a case. Marriott could argue that the footage is not their property.

But, it seems like the corporation is going to be forced to hand over any relevant information they may have regarding the complaint.

NEXT: Former NFL Player Eric Johnson Among 8 People Arrested For Human Trafficking & Gang Charges

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