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Gisele Left-Her-Man: Fetterman’s Wife Fled to Canada After Senator Entered Hospital for Depression

John Fetterman was in poor health, so his wife decided to go north. Gisele Fetterman shared on Friday that her husband, John, had been admitted into a Washington, D.C., area hospital with severe depression. Gisele packed her family in Pennsylvania and went on a roadtrip. But not to Washington. 

“We drove straight into … Canada,” Gisele Announcement Follow us on Twitter. 

“1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive,” She said. 

Gisele’s northward jaunt contrasts sharply with the image Fetterman used during his Senate campaign. Fetterman said that his wife saved him from a near-fatal stroke in May 2013. Gisele was often by her husband’s sides during media interviews or at campaign events. She would often intervene to prevent reporters from asking Fetterman questions about his health. 

She was Fetterman’s attack canine in rare moments when reporters pressed him about his recovery. Gisele Originally called for “consequences” NBC News reporter Dasha Burns questioned Fetterman in a national interview about Fetterman’s health issues. Gisele claimed that Dasha Burns was doing a sexist interview on Fetterman. “disservice” The “disability community” Moreover, to the journalism profession. 

Concerns about Fetterman’s health were reaffirmed now that Fetterman, a junior senator, has already been twice admitted to the hospital in his six-week tenure. Fetterman The patient was rushed to the hospital After experiencing lightheadedness during a Senate Democratic retreat, he was admitted to Walter Reed National Medical Center on February 9. On the advice of Congress’s attending doctor, he was admitted to Walter Reed National Medical Center on Thursday. He will likely remain at the hospital for several additional weeks. 

There are reports that Fetterman privately admitted that his health is not as good as he had previously acknowledged. Two doctors gave Fetterman’s campaign notes stating that Fetterman would be able to fully recover from his stroke and is ready to serve in the Senate. 

These doctor notes were cited by the Fettermans on the campaign trail. Gisele told August’s interview that she never considered asking her husband not to run for office. She wanted to be able to spend more time with her family. 

“No, I mean I waited to see what the doctors thought,” Gisele . “The doctors all said he would make a full recovery and that he’s more in shape to do this.”

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