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Jeff Crouere: The Willful Neglect of the American People

This week marks one anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Both sides have suffered enormous losses from the war. Despite Russia’s aggression being condemned by the international community, Ukraine has been supported by many European countries as well as the United States. Ukraine has received over a million dollars from the Biden administration.$100 a Billion In military equipment and humanitarian assistance

Unfortunately, neither the United States or our European allies are advocating for a peaceful end to this war. Contrary to popular belief, the war and the military and financial commitments of the United States are not ending. 

This is very pleasing to neocons, such as Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R–KY). He believes that supporting the war on Ukraine should be the country’s top priority. The American people are disagreeing, however. Associated Press Survey results The support for the war effort has declined significantly. 

While Americans are worried about the situation in Ukraine, they place greater importance on problems in America. The United States is seeing problems worsening as Ukraine continues to receive endless military and financial support. 

Americans feel less safe at home as the Biden administration sends sophisticated weapons to Ukraine. In many cities, crime has increased dramatically in recent years as the police department shrinks. 

Our border was invaded by illegal immigrants and criminals as we assist Ukraine to protect its borders from Russian forces. 

Last year, overdoses from drugs claimed the lives of many. Record-breaking number of Americans. Many of those who died were the victims of fentanyl overdose. This drug is mostly made from chemicals that are manufactured in China and then processed in Mexico. This deadly drug is imported by the Mexican drug cartels. 


Unfortunately, America lacks enough political leaders who are focused on the open border or the influx illegal drugs. They are more concerned with problems elsewhere. They are more concerned about problems elsewhere, so while they may be over $100 billion Despite the fact that money has already flowed to Ukraine and not enough money has been allocated to Border Patrol. 

The American people’s needs are being neglected by their political leaders. There is a huge disconnect between what the American people want and what the Deep State or the political establishments of both parties are delivering. 

Many Democrats regard combating climate change as their number one priority. However, a Gallup survey has shown that only 11% of respondents are concerned about climate change. Poll It was found that climate change ranks last on the list of top issues facing our country. 

McConnell and other Republican globalists believe that the number one priority of our country is to aid the Ukrainian people in their struggle against Russia. Gallup does not agree. Poll It was shown that the war in Ukraine wasn’t even mentioned by 1% We consider the top problem to be the lack of responses. 

What is the top concern of Americans? The top Four Priorities include poor leadership, illegal immigration and an escalating rate of inflation. 

The leadership at Capitol Hill is not being improved. As a result, the same politicians continue to win leadership positions and Congress refuses term limits to be passed despite its strong support. Popularity nationwide. 

Many in our political elite are determined to not only ignore Americans but also remove their rights. Democrats are eager to remove the Second Amendment rights necessary to fight crime. 

Many Republicans supported closing down churches and businesses, and limiting First Amendment rights to combat COVID-19 during the pandemic. 

Politicians are pushing Americans to abandon gasoline-powered vehicles, whether they like it or not. In the name fighting climate change, the Biden Administration is jumping headfirst into solar and wind energy projects. 

Problem is, the impact of these projects are not fully understood. On the east coast, dead whales are still washing ashore. Experts cite wind farms as the reason. 

Another concern is their economic viability. The political elite says that while Americans may face higher costs, it is an acceptable price to pay in order to combat climate change. 

While the government focuses its attention on Ukraine and climate change issues, it fails to do enough to address rampant crime and open borders.

Residents were angry when the Ohio government failed to respond quickly and adequately to an environmental catastrophe that struck East Palestine. Finally, President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was in the area led to the Biden administration providing aid through the Federal Emergency Management Agency to those affected.

Our federal leaders are the global policeman. They restrict our rights, increase our taxes and ignore our problems. However, they expect citizens not to speak out about their First Amendment rights. 

This is not how the Founding Fathers set up the federal government. Our system of government was established to give the people ultimate power. “We the People.” There are checks, balances, and our politicians are supposedly “public servants.”

The government of today is made up of elitist bureaucrats and politicians who earn enormous salaries and work very little while Americans struggle to stay afloat. 

Real America reported that credit card debt has reached a new high. Record. An average American cannot afford to buy essentials and creates more debt or withdraws funds from his retirement account. The country is not doing well today. “American Dream” Many families cannot afford it.

Because their lives are so far removed from the daily struggles of ordinary Americans, the elite do not have to worry about such things. President Joe Biden, for example, has built a security fence around his home but refuses to provide a border wall to protect Americans from multiple threats. 

It’s no wonder that President Trump is so hated among the establishment. Trump vows to put an end to the inequality. “America First.” Unfortunately, however, our political elite places everywhere “America Last.”

Instead of responding to American needs, politicians are focused on an agenda that isn’t relevant to them. It’s no wonder Americans distrust politicians who neglect the public. 

Americans will eventually demand this. “public servants” Start to listen. 

Jeff Crouere His award-winning program and native New Orleanian is his. “Ringside Politics,” Nationally, airs Saturdays at Noon to 1 p.m. CT Real America’s Voice TV Network AmericasVoice.News Monday through Friday, 7-11 a.m. CT WGSO 990 – AM & He is a columnist for the political parties and author of America’s Last Chance, and regularly comments on the Jeff Crouere YouTube Channel. For more information, please email him at [email protected]

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