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U.S. Official Calls On Lizzo To Help Teach ‘#BlackGirlMagic’ To Afghan Women Subjugated By The Taliban

This author is again Forced to clarify The Daily Wire audience was informed that they aren’t reading The Babylon Bee.

On Wednesday, the United States Chargé d’Affaires Karen B. Decker posed what might be the greatest question of our time, and the response to it could hold the answer to peace in the Middle East.

“Are Afghans familiar with #BlackGirlMagic and the movement it inspired?” The woman who “specializes in conflict resolution and crisis management” Twitter account for the State Department in Afghanistan “Do Afghan girls need a similar movement? What about Afghan Women? Teach me, ready to learn. @Beyonce @lizzo @ReginaKing.”

The obvious answer is no. Afghans do not know how to use it. “#BlackGirlMagic.” Most people probably aren’t. The hashtag was created in 2016 to encourage positivity among black females.

“We’re using it to celebrate ourselves because historically black women haven’t had the type of support that other groups have,” Cashawn Thompson, a Washington, D.C., caregiver The BBC At the time. “Black Girl Magic tries to counteract the negativity that we sometimes hold within ourselves and is sometimes placed on us by the outside world.”

Since then, the phrase has been shared thousands upon thousands on social media.

This author clicked the hashtag to see more details. The top result was a video showing a curvaceous, black woman bent on her fours on the ground and looking at the camera. The tweet was shared by user: “The hips spread out when she takes backshots #BlackGirlMagic.” 

Admittedly, this author has no idea what that means, but it isn’t tough to guess that it is about something pornographic. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart summed it up: “You know it when you see it.” It is obvious that the post will not be shared.

It is likely that Decker did not envision this in Afghanistan. It is likely that she is asking about starting a new hashtag movement to help women who are being oppressed by Islamic Extremist totalitarians.

In reaction to Decker’s idea, the conservative writer and editor Christoper Bedford bluntly observed, “We are not a serious country.”

We are not a serious nation.

— Christopher Bedford (@CBedfordDC) February 15, 2023

Popular Twitter user @ComfortablySmug tweeted, “We are ruled by administrative class paper pushers like this, who think every problem can be solved by listening to a Beyonce song.”

We are ruled by administrative class paper pushers like this, who think every problem can be solved by listening to a Beyonce song

Is it a mystery why the Taliban took Afghanistan in a week?

Or why China sends balloons over America?

Because their opponent is literally a Karen

— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) February 15, 2023

“Is it a mystery why the Taliban took Afghanistan in a week? Or why China sends balloons over America? Because their opponent is literally a Karen,” he added.

Indeed, since the Taliban took over the country in less than three days after Biden botched U.S. troop withdrawal, women have faced a living hell.

In early January, The Daily Wire reported that the terror group has enacted a series of strict laws, especially restricting women’s freedom. In December, Taliban leaders banned women from attending universities in the country. Women are also under other strict regulations, such as a rule banning them from traveling outside their homes without a male guardian.

At the time, State Department spokesman Ned Price told the media, “We are working with our partners throughout the government and also with like-minded partners around the world to devise an appropriate set of consequences that register our condemnation for this outrageous edict on the part of the Taliban, while also protecting our status as the world’s leading humanitarian provider for the people of Afghanistan.”

It now seems the big solution might be a hashtag. What doesn’t really make sense is calling on Lizzo for this job. The larger-than-life singer has claimed she is oppressed in America as a female. So what would her message be to women who actually have no freedoms?

One should hope we never find out and that the U.S. government creates a better solution than #BlackGirlMagic for the situation at hand.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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