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Biden Admin Takes Credit After Major Rail Company Gives Workers Paid Sick Leave, Just Months After Working Against It

The Biden administration Only a few months after trying without it for several months, I took credit for a major freight company that offered workers paid sick leaves.

Rail company CSX announced a Tuesday deal that would provide four days of sick leave paid and three personal days to approximately 5,000 employees. It was the Biden administration that pushed for Thursday’s negotiations. However, the Biden administration had previously forced railroad unions into accepting a deal that didn’t include paid sick leave. In December, they signed a law that imposed that agreement on workers.

CSX made the agreement with two unions: The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way, which represents train engineers and the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, which represents mechanics. “CSX is committed to listening to our railroaders and working with their representatives to find solutions that improve their quality of life and experience as employees,” According to the company, Statement. “These agreements demonstrate that commitment and are a direct result of the collaborative relationship we are working to cultivate with all of the unions that represent CSX employees. We greatly appreciate the leadership of the BMWED and BRC in working towards these agreements.”

According to reports, the White House had been in touch with CSX prior to making the announcement. Axios Report, citing an administration official. Biden administration officials, including Secretary Of Labor Martin Walsh and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have all raised the issue with executives at CSX, Union Pacific and BNSF.

The White House claimed that it helped negotiate the deal on Thursday.

“[T]he president signed a bill in December that averted a rail disruption and ensured union members would receive the 24 percent pay raise in their tentative agreements,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre According to reporters aboard Air Force One. “When signing this bill, the president committed to continuing the fight to secure paid sick leave for all workers, including rail workers.”

“These agreements came following continued advocacy and involvement from the Biden administration, pushing railroad leadership to reach an agreement that secured paid sick leave for workers, which continues to be a priority for President Biden,” Jean-Pierre added. “[T]he agreements between CSX, BMWE, and BRC to provide paid sick days are good steps, ensuring no covered worker has to risk their income to take a day off when they are sick. Securing paid sick leave for rail workers will continue to be a priority for the president. And we are strongly urging other rail companies to follow suit.”

However, the Biden administration didn’t include paid sick time in the original agreement. This was negotiated by Walsh, other White House officials and tentatively accepted in September. Many of the nation’s largest railroad Unions Rejecting the agreement, they cited the inability to receive paid time off. Congress took control of negotiations and President Joe Biden made it a point to pressure lawmakers. Pass the deal Without amendment. “I am calling on Congress to pass legislation immediately to adopt the Tentative Agreement between railroad workers and operators — without any modifications or delay — to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown,” Biden stated this in a November statement.

Biden got what he wanted. Congress passed a bill. Impose the agreement December 1: Workers An amendment to the Senate that would have granted seven days paid sick leave was rejected by both parties. The deal was signed by Biden on December 2.

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